Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
November 17, 2010

As the result of an intensive year long criminal investigation conducted by the Connecticut State Police, Statewide Organized Crime Investigative Task Force (SOCITF) with assistance from the Chief State’s Attorney’s Office, the New Haven Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CID).

State Police Detectives compiled facts and information in this investigation and submitted arrest warrants application to Superior Court GA #17 in Bristol.  The arrest warrants were issued for the arrest of all of the accused in this case issued by the court. 

This criminal investigation focused on an Illegal Sports Betting Operation operating in and around the greater Hartford area and was initiated in November 2009. 

The investigation led to the development of information that caused State Police Detectives to apply to Superior Court for several search and seizure warrants. The search warrants were issued   by the court and resulted in the seizure of several luxury automobiles including a Ferrari and a Mercedes Benz along with other expensive items all alleged to have been obtained with proceeds from the illicit criminal enterprise. 

Today November 17, 2010, the following individuals surrendered themselves to State Police at the Connecticut State Police Barracks, Troop G in Bridgeport, CT.

Kelvin Townsend, DOB 02/15/1968

LKA 39 Thomaston Street

Hartford, CT 06112

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

Court set bond $100,000.00

Joseph Schlosser, DOB 12/30/1947

LKA 21 Carriage Drive

Farmingon, CT 06032

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

Court set bond $100,000.00

Edward Jamele, DOB 05/10/1953

LKA 2772 Meriden-Waterbury Turnpike

Southington, CT 06716

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

Court set bond $100,000.00

Tommy Allen, DOB 04/29/1974

LKA 80 Wintonbury Avenue

Bloomfield, CT 06002

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

Court set bond $10,000.00

Randy Petroniro, DOB 02/12/1964

LKA 114 Harrison Drive

Wolcott, CT 06716

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

Court set bond $10,000.00

Maryanne Vece, DOB 10/17/1954

LKA 21 Blue Gill Lane

Westbrook, CT 06498

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

Court set bond $100,000.00

Christopher Peck, DOB 01/13/1967

LKA 46 Edgewood Road

Berlin, CT 06037

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Commit Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

Court set bond $10,000.00

Leo Barney, DOB 02/07/1929

LKA 16 Central Avenue

Bristol, CT 06010

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278e(d) Maintaining Gambling Premises

C.G.S. 53-278c(f) Possession of Gambling Records

Court set bond $100,000.00

Brett Margentino, DOB 03/22/1979

LKA 21 Dunham Drive

Berlin, CT 06037

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

Court set bond $100,000.00

Patrick Corry, DOB 02/28/1957

LKA 93 Hillsdale Avenue

Wethersfield, CT 06109

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

Court set bond $100,000.00

Anthony DiSantis, DOB 04/26/1962

LKA  81 Tosun Road

Wolcott, CT 06716

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

Court set bond $10,000.00

Constantine Galanis, DOB 11/30/1965

LKA 34 Tufts Street

Bristol, CT 06010

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

Court set bond $100,000.00

James Loughery, DOB 08/08/1955

LKA 391 Highland Street

Wethersfield, CT 06109

C.G.S. 53-395 (b) and (c), Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity (C.O.R.A.)

C.G.S. 53a-48/53-395 (b) and (c), Conspiracy to Engage in C.O.R.A.

C.G.S. 53-278b(b) Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278d(a) Transmitting Gambling Information

C.G.S. 53a-48, 53-278b(b) Conspiracy to Engage in Professional Gambling

C.G.S. 53-278e(d) Maintaining Gambling Premises

C.G.S. 53-278c(f) Possession of Gambling Records

Court set bond $100,000.00

It is anticipated that additional arrests will be made as this investigation continues.


Lt. J. Paul Vance