Connecticut State Police Patch STATE OF CONNECTICUT
Department of Public Safety
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457
December 7, 2009



   December is the time of year when college students return home for extended academic breaks. This is the perfect time for PARENTEEN – parents and teens talking about safe driving on Connecticut roads and highways.

     The PARENTEEN program encourages parents to review with their young adults (their children) the rules of the road and safe driving techniques. Parents are asked to remind these young drivers that they are responsible for refraining from underage drinking, designating a driver if they are 21 or over, the importance of wearing seat belts and not allowing distractions to get in the way of safe driving. 

     Parent + Teens (PARENTEEN) is a program designed to remind PARENTS that they  have a responsibility to safeguard their young adults about safe driving and all the rules of the road. The program also is designed to remind TEENS that they have a responsibility to understand and abide by the rules of the road for their own safety and for the safety of others.  

   Public Safety Commissioner John A. Danaher III stated, “There is no room for error on our roads and highways.  The rules for young drivers are designed for the safety of all. A traffic tragedy on the road is a life-changing experience for families; hence PARENTS & TEENS hold equal responsibility.”

     State Troopers have enforced the rules for young drivers since they became law.  The enforcement effort is continuous to ensure the safety of all young drivers and all other drivers on Connecticut roads. A reminder to all, that living with the injury or death of a person is forever.

   DMV Commissioner Robert Ward said “ParenTeen says it all – parents need to discuss responsibilities of safe driving and state driving laws with their teens, no matter their age. If there’s any doubt or inclination that a teen driver is failing to show responsibility, the parent must be responsible and take the car keys away.”

    Parents of teenagers and college students should take time to talk with their children about hazards of the road – this significant dialogue could end up saving lives!


Lt. J. Paul Vance