Connecticut Statewide Emergency Communications Center (CSECC)  

The Connecticut Statewide Emergency Communications Center (CSECC) is a state-of-the-art back-up Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and training center, constructed by the Division of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications (DSET). The CSECC is located at 285 Preston Avenue in Meriden within the Connecticut Police Training Academy. 


The primary functions of the CSECC are to provide a centralized location for a statewide back-up Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and training facility. The center is constructed to accommodate any one of the state’s 105 PSAPs. 


The CSECC was funded, in part, by a grant from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), U.S. Department of Commerce, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), U.S. Department of Transportation 911 Grant Program.  The purpose of the 911 Grant Program is to provide Federal funding to support the transition of PSAPs and their interconnecting 911 network and core services, to facilitate migration to a digital, IP-enabled emergency network, and adoption and operation of NG911 services and applications. 


For a more detailed description of the CSECC and its amenities please follow these links CSECC Description and CSECC Guidelines.

How to request use of the CSECC 

  • To request emergency activation of the CSECC contact DESPP’s Network Control Center at (860-685-8525).

  • For planned activation of the CSECC, complete the CSECC Activation Form. Please place a call to DSET (860-685-8080) to confirm receipt of completed form. 
  • To reserve the Training Room, contact us at or (860) 685-8080.

The CSECC consists of three main rooms: Dispatch Room, Training Room and Huddle Room. See CSECC Room Layout.


Backup PSAP Dispatch Room

 CSECC Dispatch Console II

The dispatch room is furnished with 11 dispatch positions. Each dispatch position is configured as a fully functional 911 dispatch console. The 911 consoles are designed to receive 911 rerouted calls from any of the 105 PSAPs in the state and function as 911 training consoles. All eleven dispatch positions are equipped with two 24” monitors dedicated to answering 911 calls, an Avaya VoIP administrative phone set, a PC and two monitors for accessing customer provided Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software and a PC and monitor dedicated to internet access. Eight of the eleven 911 positions are equipped with a radio console and monitor integrated with the state’s Connecticut Land Mobile Radio Network (CLMRN). 


CSECC Dispatch Room II











Training Room

The training room has 11 tables which can provide seating for 25 people. The room was designed for the purpose of training, with all the seats facing the front of the room. The room is equipped with a podium, ceiling mounted projector, a 13’ projector screen, video conferencing system, WIFI, whiteboard and PA system. 


Please click link for Training Room Policies and Procedures


CSECC Training Room Rear ViewCSECC Training Room Front View







Click here for information about Telecommunicator Certification Training   


Connecticut statutes mandate a telecommunicator certification program for new telecommunicators. NG911 training is an important part of the curriculum. Today NG911 training can only be offered in isolation, with none of the interactions that are integral to the operation of a PSAP.  In order to improve training and provide a “real world,” fully functional environment for telecommunicators, a working PSAP environment which provides space for up to 11 people.


CSECC is a fully functional training lab PSAP that operates as a live PSAP, because it is connected to the Emergency Services Internet Protocol network (ESInet). It has eleven (11) dispatch consoles with room at each for two trainees and NG911 equipment. A working telephone system, capable of routing with ANI and ALI is provided. NG 911 equipment is NENA i3 compliant and include Automatic Number Identification/Automatic Location Identifier (ANI/ALI), Text-to-911, GIS mapping, statewide aerial photography and headset and handset interfaces.   

Positions have an Internet Protocol (IP) radio console connected to Connecticut’s P25 radio core system using Connecticut’s Public Safety Data Network (PSDN).  The computer aided dispatch (CAD) terminal may be connected to a customer provided CAD/Records Management System.


Huddle Room

CSECC Huddle Room Full ViewCSECC Huddle Room

The huddle room provides meeting/training attendees and relocated PSAP staff with a place to relax and recoup. The room is furnished with two tables and six chairs.