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Information to develop plans and programs to enhance Connecticut's prevention, preparedness, response and recovery capabilities in the event of a hurricane, winter storm, earthquake, tornado or other natural hazard.
Date Posted: 1/1/0001
Last Updated:
The Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) provide a consequence management plan, a model local emergency operations plan, safety information for blackouts and more useful disaster preparedness information. Disaster Planning Information
Date Posted: 1/1/0001
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The Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security's (DEMHS) Office of Counter Terrorism (OCT) are responsible for The Connecticut Intelligence Center (CTIC) and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU). The OCT has assigned four of the state's troopers to participate on the Federal Buerau of Inv
Date Posted: 1/1/0001
Last Updated:
Discover tips for before, during, and after a hurricane to ensure your family stays safe in the event of a hurricane.
Date Posted: 1/1/0001
Last Updated: