Put Your Stamp on Conservation
Protect Our Cherished Wildlife Habitat - Purchase a CT Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp!
As both a required purchase for waterfowl hunters and artwork sought by collectors, conservationists, and other nature enthusiasts, Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamps and Prints have great visibility and generate substantial revenue for migratory bird and wetland conservation in our state.

Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamps can be purchased by hunters, collectors, conservationists, and others for $17 each wherever hunting and fishing licenses are sold: participating town clerks and retail agents, DEEP License and Revenue (79 Elm Street in Hartford), and through DEEP's Online Outdoor Licensing System or the online DEEP Store.
Those individuals who are not hunters but want to purchase a stamp using DEEP's online licensing system will first need to be registered in the system by establishing a Conservation ID#. You can then obtain the stamp online through the "other" category. Stamps can also be obtained by sending your address and a check for $17 to DEEP License and Revenue, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106. Stamps ordered through these methods and the online DEEP Store will be sent through the mail.
The Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp Program is the only dedicated source of funding for wetland protection in the State. Since its creation in 1993, the Program has contributed and leveraged over $4 million towards wetland protection and restoration in the State. Ninety-nine percent of every dollar of each Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp purchased is spent to protect and enhance homes for migratory birds like the American black duck, red-winged blackbird, and great blue heron. The other one percent produces the lovely stamps that come with the $17 investment in our cherished wetlands. In fact, healthy wetlands benefit over 20% of all the wildlife species in Connecticut, including painted and spotted turtles, pickerel frogs, and all 12 of the salamander species that call Connecticut home.
Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp dollars deliver results for wildlife and habitat! The Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp Program is a great example of how conservation works -- concerned citizens paying into a program that was formed to protect and enhance vital habitat.
Conservation Edition Prints of Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp Artwork Available for Purchase
Conservation Edition Prints of the 2015 and 2017 through 2025 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamps are available in limited quantities. All proceeds from the sale of these prints go into the Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to be used for the enhancement of wetland and associated upland habitats in our state. Those interested in purchasing prints from 2017 through 2025 should contact DEEP Wildlife Division biologist Min Huang at min.huang@ct.gov or 860-418-5959. The 2015 Connecticut Duck Stamp print is available from Crittenden Studio at www.crittendenstudiostore.com.
2025 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp: A limited number of Conservation Edition Prints, signed by the artist Alice Han, are available for $200 each. Three of the prints are remarqued by the artist in pencil, each depicting different poses.
2024 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp: A limited number of Conservation Edition Prints, signed and uniquely remarqued by the artist, Sulan Zhang, are available for $150 each. Each print comes with two CT Migratory Bird Conservation Stamps.
2023 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp: A limited number of Conservation Edition Prints, signed and uniquely remarqued by the artist, Sophie Archer, are available for $200 each. Three of the prints are remarqued with Sophie's signature and an illustration of a pair of Atlantic brant.
2022 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp: A limited number of Conservation Edition Prints, signed and uniquely remarqued by the artist, Sophie Archer, are available for $200 each. Three of the prints are remarqued with Sophie's signature and an illustration of a pair of wood ducks.
2021 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp: A limited number of Conservation Edition Prints, signed by the artist, Julia Phillips, are available for $225 each. The remarques are in pencil and depict something different -- the whim of the artist!
2020 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp created by Frank Dolphens, Jr. (prints are $200 each and 4 remarqued prints are available for $250)
2019 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp created by second time winner Jeffrey Klinefelter (signed prints are $200 each)
2018 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp created by local Connecticut artist Chet Reneson (signed prints are $200 each)
2017 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp created by Mark Thone (remarqued prints are $250 and other versions are $200 each).
2015 Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp created by Guy Crittenden (versions from $125 to $300). Purchase from Crittenden Studio at www.crittendenstudiostore.com.
CT Junior Duck Stamp Art Contest
CT Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp Dollars Deliver Results
Back to the main CT Migratory Conservation Stamp webpage
Content last updated in January 2025.