Canada Goose Agricultural Damage Control

Effective September 11, 2006, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service implemented new regulations concerning the management of nuisance resident Canada geese. These new regulations authorize more aggressive means for the alleviation of problems associated with resident Canada geese. One piece of this new regulation concerns agricultural damage.

In order to prevent current or future agriculture depredation from occurring, the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) is implementing a management program that allows persons actively involved in commercial agriculture (actual or potential gross annual income of $2,500 or more from the commercial cultivated production of livestock and poultry, grain, forage, fruit, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, or Christmas trees) to conduct lethal resident Canada goose damage management actions. These management actions include the destruction of resident Canada goose nests and eggs and the take of resident Canada geese.

The CT DEEP has developed a permitting system to administer this resident Canada goose management program. Upon receipt and review of a completed permit application and signatory page, permits will be issued to affected agriculture producers.

To apply:

  1. Type or print legibly and answer all questions thoroughly on the Canada Goose Agricultural Damage Permit Application.
  2. All applicants must read the rules and regulations of the program on the Signatory Form. Sign and date the page (make a copy for yourself), and return the original signed copy with the permit application.
  3. Mail completed application AND signatory form to: Migratory Gamebird Program, Franklin Swamp WMA, 391 Route 32, North Franklin, CT 06254.

Allow two weeks for processing. Permits are free-of-charge and are valid for one season (March through August). Information regarding permit renewals will be mailed to permit holders before March of each year.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Program

Who is eligible to participate in the program?

Persons actively involved in commercial agriculture (actual or potential gross annual income of $2,500.00 or more from the commercially cultivated production of livestock and poultry, grain, forage, fruit, vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, or Christmas trees).

If I lease some/all of my cropland, can I use this permit on that land?

If you lease land, the primary landowner must possess a permit, with you listed as one of the designated agents if control activities are to occur on the leased land.

How much does a permit cost?

Permits are free-of-charge.

What activities are allowed under this permit?

Non-toxic egg oiling and/or egg and nest destruction (March 1 to August 31). Take by shotgun (April 1 to August 31).

Do you need a firearms hunting license to take geese under this permit?

Designated agents are required to possess a valid Connecticut hunting license and Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp; however, landowners, when shooting on their own property, and not acting as an agent on leased land, are exempt from these requirements.

Can you use any other firearms besides a shotgun to take geese?

No, only shotguns using approved nontoxic shot are permitted. Only the following shot shall be used: non-toxic steel shot no larger than BB steel, or any other federally-approved non-toxic shot type, such as bismuth-tin alloy, tungsten iron, tungsten polymer, tungsten matrix; or tungsten-nickel-iron (Hevishot) shot no larger than #2. No person may possess lead shot while acting under this depredation order.

Can you use decoys or calls to lure Canada geese into range under this permit?

No, you are not allowed to use decoys, calls, or any other devices to lure geese within range.

Why is the permit only valid until August 31 of the calendar year?

After August 31, we advise farmers to use our liberal resident Canada goose hunting season that begins in early September.

Where can I get more information about this program?

You can contact the Migratory Gamebird Program at 860-418-5960 or by e-mail at

Additional links:

Problems with Canada Geese

Canada Goose Fact Sheet

Content last updated on March 11, 2020.