Connecticut Stream Flow Classifications

Final Streamflow Class Map
Map of Final Adopted Stream Flow Classifications 
The stream flow classification of a stream or river segment is based on ecological conditions and human use characteristics, and determines flow management goals and applicable flow standards for that segment. Stream flow classifications were developed using known information on factors indicative of the degree of human alteration of natural stream flow, environmental flow needs, and existing and future needs for public water supply. The factors needed to be considered for classifying the streams and rivers of the State of Connecticut are provided for in Section 26-141b-5 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies (RCSA). The classification process followed the Detailed Stream Flow Classification Methodology. For a breakdown of the classification process and outcome, view the Stream Flow Classification Fact Sheet.  Each basin follows a different legislative time frame for when reporting activities, such as stream flow releases, will come into effect. Those time frames are provided in the graphic below.

5 Year Map Final


Significant Dates for Streamflow Release Requirements
 Basin(s) Classifications Published: Initial Reporting Form Due: Release Plan Due: Releases Begin:
 Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck, and Thames River Basins October 7, 2014 October 7, 2015 October 7, 2023 October 7, 2024
South Central Coastal Basin September 6, 2016 September 6, 2017 September 6, 2025 September 6, 2026
Connecticut River Basin February 20, 2018 February 20, 2019 February 20, 2027 February 20, 2028
Housatonic, Hudson, and Southwestern Coastal Basins March 26, 2019 March 26, 2020 March 26, 2028  March 26, 2029


Salmon River, Colchester, CT

 Salmon River, Colchester

Archival Documents for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins:
The stream flow classifications for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins were finalized and published in the Connecticut Law Journal on March 26, 2019.
Public notice of final map of Stream Flow Classifications for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins - March 13, 2019. 
Public notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications for the Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins - June 12, 2018
Statement of Reasons:  Response to comments Housatonic, Hudson and Southwest Coastal River Basins - March 26, 2019. 

Archival Documents for Connecticut River Basin:
The stream flow classification for the Connecticut River Basin were finalized and published in the Connecticut Law Journal on February 20, 2018. 

Public notice of final map of Stream Flow Classifications for the Connecticut River Basin - February 9, 2018. 
Public notice of Proposed Stream Flow Classifications for the Connecticut River Basin
Statement of Reasons:  Response to comments Connecticut River Basin - February 9, 2018. 

Archival Documents for South Central Coastal River Basin:
The stream flow classifications for the South Central Coastal River Basin were finalizedand published in the Connecticut Law Journal on September 6, 2016.
Archival Documents for Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Major Basins:
The stream flow classifications for the Southeast Coastal, Pawcatuck and Thames Major River Basins were finalized and published in the Connecticut Law Journal on October 7, 2014.


Connecticut Stream Flow Standards and Regulations Main Page


Content updated on September 29, 2020