Non Point Source Pollution Management - Success Stories

In recognition of the need to improve documentation of environmental results from Nonpoint Source Program (NPS) implementation, EPA has updated it's documentation of Nonpoint Source Success Stories to features stories about primarily nonpoint source-impaired waterbodies where restoration efforts have led to documented water quality improvements.  Restoration of water bodies to meet Water Quality Standards is a primary goal of EPA's Nonpoint Source Program Section 319 funding.

Five success stories have been completed for Connecticut waters and are listed on EPA's website:  Section 319 Nonpoint Source Success Stories which documents Success Stories nationwide.

Edgewood Park Pond
North Running Brook
Norwalk River
Norwalk River
Sasco Brook

DEEP developed a series of NPS Program Success Story Fact Sheets prior to the current EPA Success Story listing methodology. These fact sheets highlight successful NPS Management programs and projects that utilize Section 319 funds, and the associated environmental results.    

NPS Management Program Information


Content Last Updated on February 11, 2020