Dissolved Oxygen Maps for Summer 2007

During the summer of 2007, DEP's Long Island Sound Water Quality Monitoring Program continues to monitor the extent of summertime hypoxia. The Program collects samples for nutrient analysis and water quality parameters from 17 stations, as well as phytoplankton and zooplankton samples from 6 stations located throughout the Sound.  An additional 20 – 30 sites are sampled during the summer for dissolved oxygen to get a more accurate idea of the extent of hypoxia.

Maps showing the extent of low dissolved oxygen in Long Island Sound are posted as soon as possible after each survey.

(Select map below to link to a larger image)

Link to larger image for September 10, 2007
                   September 10, 2007
           Link to larger image of hypoxia map for August 28-30, 2007
        August 28-30, 2007
link to larger image of hypoxia map for August 13-15, 2007
 August 13-15, 2007
link to larger image of hypoxia map for July 30 - August 1, 2007
July 30 - August 1, 2007
           link to larger image of hypoxia map for July 19-24, 2007
          July 19-24, 2007
link to larger image of hypoxia map for July 9-11, 2007
July 9-11, 2007
link to larger image of hypoxia map for June 21, 2007
June 21, 2007

Water temperature plays a major role in the timing and severity of the summer hypoxia event.   The DEP's monitoring program also records water temperatures and salinity during its hypoxia monitoring cruises to help estimate the extent of favorable conditions for the onset, extent, and ending of hypoxia.

  Long Island Sound Water Quality Monitoring