DEEP Water Monitoring Data Availability
Download Data Online
The Water Quality Portal (WQP) is a cooperative service sponsored by the United States Geological Survey, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Water Quality Monitoring Council. It serves data collected by over 400 state, federal, tribal, and local agencies. The WQP contains sample locations, physical/chemical, biological, habitat and metric results. The WQP is periodically updated with DEEP's water monitoring data, including volunteer water monitoring data. An ongoing effort is underway to populate the WQP with current and historical program data. The data is free and open to the public for download and use.
Interactive Map Viewers
The goal of the Long Island Sound Integrated Coastal Observing System (LISICOS) is the development of a sustained capability to observe the Long Island Sound ecosystem and an adequate capability to understand and predict its response to natural and anthropogenic changes. The LISICOS website provides access to a wide variety of historical and real-time data, including water quality data, collected from Long Island Sound.
The Cold Water Habitat Map Application displays cold water sites and supporting drainage basins in Connecticut. The map will be updated periodically as new data are collected. Data that are used to make the map can be easily downloaded in several data formats directly from the map application for customized use and analysis.
The CT Volunteer Water Monitoring Program Online Map Application highlights where in Connecticut volunteers have previously collected water quality data on lakes and streams in the state. The application includes information about the Riffle Bioassessment by Volunteers (RBV) program, Volunteer Stream Temperature Monitoring (VSTeM) Network, CT Lake Watch program, and coastal volunteer monitoring network.
The Freshwater Fish Community Data Application displays inland freshwater fish community data collected by the Department. Data is available for viewing on a statewide map and users can search by town, waterbody, or fish species. Data can be exported and downloaded as a .csv file.
The Spatial Hydro-Ecological Decision System (SHEDS) Stream Temperature Database stores regional stream temperature data across multiple organizations and state agencies in the Northeastern U.S. Users can view stream temperature monitoring locations in Connecticut, including stations monitored by CT DEEP Water Monitoring Program, CT DEEP Inland Fisheries Division, and volunteer groups throughout the state. (Enter "CT" in the agency search filter to view only Connecticut data.) Using the database interface, the user can select and export a georeferenced station list as well as corresponding stream temperature data for each station.
Contact Information
79 Elm Street, Hartford CT 06106
Content last updated January 7, 2025.