Dam Safety - Emergency Action Plans (EAP)
Form to use to send the DEEP Dam Safety Regulatory Program a statement of your situation and proposed schedule of compliance with the EAP requirements:
- Statement of Proposed Compliance with EAP Requirements (Fillable Word)
- Statement of Proposed Compliance with EAP Requirements (PDF to print)
Preparing an EAP:
EAP Template (Word Form)
Guidance Document For Inundation Maps for EAPs in CT (May 2016)
FEMA P-946 Federal Guidelines for Inundation Mapping of Flood Risks Associated with Dam Incidents and Failures (leave DEEP website)
FEMA P-946 Federal Guidelines for Inundation Mapping of Flood Risks Associated with Dam Incidents and Failures (leave DEEP website)
Emergency Preparedness Guidelines for Levees - Document provides guidance about high water events and how to develop an emergency preparedness plan.
For further information contact the DEEP Dam Safety Regulatory Program at (860) 424-3706 or by email at DEEP.DamSafety@ct.gov.
Content last updated October 2024