Draft Guidance Document for Design of Large-Scale On-Site Wastewater Renovation Systems

The Guidance Document for Design of Large-Scale On-Site Wastewater Renovation Systems (OWRS) is intended to provide information and methodologies for the design, construction, operation and maintenance for those wastewater renovation systems which are under the Department’s regulatory authority.  This includes OWRS at:
  1. Sites where the design flow is greater than 7,500 gallons per day, which may include multiple smaller systems.
  2. Sites utilizing alternative treatment system.
  3. Sites utilizing community sewerage systems.
  • The guidance document is available for download below.
  • Hardcopies of the guidance document are not available.


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Contact Information
Questions and comments may be emailed to Antoanela Daha in the DEEP Bureau of Materials Management and Compliance Assurance or telephone at 860-424-3876.
Content Last Updated January 2020