Severe Cold Weather: A blast of arctic air and breezy winds are expected to impact Connecticut over the next several days. The state's Severe Cold Weather Protocol is being activated from Sunday, February 16, to Saturday, February 22. Shelters and warming centers are available. [Read more]
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
Industrial Stormwater General Permit
The General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity (“Industrial Stormwater General Permit”) regulates industrial facilities with point source discharges that are engaged in specific activities listed in the permit. To register for this program, these facilities must submit a registration form, and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP). The PPP must include information about the site, an inventory of exposed materials, a summary of potential pollutants, a description of and schedule for implementation of storm water control methods, storm water monitoring, and site inspection.
01/09/2025 - UPDATE - Second Public Notice: On December 30, 2024, DEEP published a revised draft permit to solicit public feedback on proposed revisions in response to public comments received after the first draft permit was published in March 2024. The draft permit package is available on the DEEP websiteand was published in the Hartford Courant, Connecticut Post, New Haven Register, New London Day, Waterbury Republican-American, and The Chronicle. The following document is a summary of the changes made to the draft permit between the March 2024 Public Notice and the December 2024 Public Notice: Summary of Changes for the Second Draft Permit
01/09/2025 - UPDATE - Renewal Registrations: Renewal registrations are still not required at this time and should not be submitted. The new registration materials and website links will be posted prior to permit issuance to allow permittees time to familiarize themselves with the new process. All renewal registrations submitted before the permit is issued will be automatically rejected and any associated fees will not be refunded or carried forward.
9/18/2024 - Reissuance Update: The Water Permitting and Enforcement Division's Stormwater Program published the reissuance package for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) General Permit for the Discharge of Storm water Associated with Industrial Activities (the IGP”) on March 11th, 2024 for public comment. A 45-day public comment solicitation period was provided to allow stakeholders adequate time to review and provide feedback on the permit. During this period, WPED received over 100 comments from the regulated community, non-profit organizations, and concerned citizens. Additionally, WPED hosted targeted meetings with specific industrial sectors and held information sessions in partnership with the CBIA.
While an October 1, 2024 reissuance date had been projected, the Stormwater Program is continuing to assess public comments and revise the draft permit in response to the feedback. The current version of the IGP continues in effect until the permit is reissued. Once reissued, the permit will allow time for facilities to submit their online registration. Please periodically check back to this website for updates on the permit reissuance.
06/05/2024 – 2024 Renewal Registrations: Renewal registrations are not required at this time and should not be submitted. The new registration materials and website links will be posted some time in September 2024 to allow permittees to familiarize themselves with the new process. All renewal registrations submitted before October 1, 2024 will be rejected. Any associated fees will not be refunded and will not carry over to the next registration.
03/27/2024 - Name Change:The general permit issued 10/01/2021 is titled, “General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities” (aka “Industrial Stormwater General Permit”, “2021 IGP”, etc.).The reissued version will be titled, “National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activities” (aka “draft IGP”, “2024 IGP”, etc.)
03/27/2024 – Document Information:The Notice of Tentative Determination expresses the intent to reissue the general permit with the changes seen in the Draft Permit, and explains how public comments can be submitted. The Fact Sheet explains the permit history and why certain changes are being proposed.
***The below documents are for reference and comparison purposes. DEEP will not accept comments on these documents during the public comment period starting on December 30, 2024.***
Set up a User Account (Instructions for creating a new account)
(Anyone who intends to prepare, review and/or submit a registration electronically within the ezFile portal must create an account.)
Update: A scanned pdf of the signed subscriber agreement must be emailed to Maintain the originally-signed agreement in your records to be made available upon DEEP request.
Every person that will fill out, edit, review, certify, or submit an electronic filing must be
identified and assigned a role. (Instructions for Assigning User Roles)
Once you have received email approval of your SA, you can login to ezFile and complete a filing.
Remember: ezFile has been optimized for Google Chrome.
If a registrant is not capable of submitting electronically, meaning that they do not have access to a computer, or if you have other questions or concerns regarding ezFile, please contact the stormwater group at 860-424-3025 or
Check the Status of your Registration/Certification
Use the appropriate form, from the list below, to submit stormwater monitoring data to the department. Refer to Section 5(e) of the general permit with modifications for specific information on monitoring requirements.
Update: A scanned pdf of the stormwater monitoring report must be emailed to Maintain the original stormwater monitoring report in your records to be made available upon DEEP request.
Types of Facilities
Revision Date 10/17/11
General (for facilities without sector-specific requirements)