Underground Storage Tank 
Compliance Inspection Program

The federal Energy Policy Act mandates that Underground Storage Tank (UST) systems, except certain heating oil and exempted tank systems, be inspected every 3 years.  In Connecticut, this represents more than 2,300 sites with approximately 7,000 tanks.    
The primary goal of the UST Inspection Process is to promote compliance with the UST Regulations and Statutes in order to protect human health and the environment from potential hazards associated with leaks, spills, and releases from underground storage tanks.  
A streamlined inspection procedure that includes the use of handheld computers to record findings was implemented by CT DEEP in 2009.

What UST Owners/Operators Can Expect

  • Sites where UST systems are located will be inspected by CT DEEP once every 3 years;
  • The inspectors will arrive without notice and introduce themselves to the individual on-site;
  • A number of compliance points, including operational paperwork and the physical system will be inspected;
  • The inspector will record the findings on a tablet computer as the inspection is conducted;
  • At the end of the inspection, the inspector will provide a report of the findings before leaving the facility;
  • The inspector will request a signature solely for the purpose of documenting that the inspection report was received – it does not indicate concurrence with the findings or imply anything other than receipt of the report.

What to Expect If Problems/Violations Are Noted

  • A Notice of Violation (NOV) may be provided at the time of the inspection or it may be mailed or emailed at a later date;
  • Most violations are minor in nature and can be addressed without escalation to a formal enforcement action;
  • Certain, very serious violations (e.g. lack of leak detection system) may result in the UST system being Red-Tagged;
  • Prompt correction of the violations and communication of that progress to CT DEEP is the best way to respond to any problems identified during the inspection;
  • If very significant problems/violations are found or violations noted through an NOV are not corrected, other enforcement tools may be used by the Storage Tank & PCB Enforcement Unit.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Storage Tank & PCB Enforcement Unit at (860) 424-3374 or deep.USTEnforcement@ct.gov with any questions regarding the inspection process, the findings of your specific inspection, or compliance with the UST requirements.


Content Last Updated January 8, 2020