Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Model Program

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) has developed a statewide Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Model Program for discharges to sanitary sewerage systems to assist municipalities and private facilities with the collection and disposal of FOG. There are approximately 110 municipal, state and private Water Pollution Control Facilities (WPCFs) in Connecticut. The FOG Model Program produced by the City of Torrington and funded by the Connecticut DEEP identified the importance of creating a General Permit as the key administrative tool to assist communities in controlling FOG.

The purpose of the General Permit is to require and standardize the routine removal of FOG from all food service establishments including but not limited to restaurants, hotel kitchens, hospitals, school kitchens, bars. The "No Registration - No Fee" General Permit as finalized, covers all Class III and IV food service establishments that discharge to sanitary sewers. Although the final enforcement authority will be with the DEEP, the municipalities are encouraged to utilize this General Permit to resolve FOG issues at the local level.

    October 2015: DEEP reissued the General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Service Establishments dated October 5, 2015. The FOG General Permit requires certain dischargers to municipal sewer systems to limit the amount of FOG of all Class III and IV food service discharges by installing either an outside grease trap/interceptor, an active grease recovery unit (AGRU) or Super-capacity grease interceptor (SCGI) in accordance with technical requirements specified in the general permit. The authorized agent approves the FOG management equipment to be installed.
    Guidance Documents:
    DEP Outreach Training on Fats, Oils, & Grease 
    Content Last Updated January 15, 2020