Landscape Stewardship
Tools for Towns and Cities

Sketch of tool box with hammer and wrench.

Case Studies

There are many projects that support responsible growth and the number is continually growing.  The efforts span such efforts as inventorying resources, planning for conservation  or watershed management, and planning and implementing "bricks and mortar" development.  They can range from site-specific projects to regional efforts.  The following case studies are just a few examples of the variety of approaches and tools that a municipality can use. 

Jordan Cove Urban Watershed Project
A Monitored Low Impact Development Pilot Project in the Town of Waterford

Natural Resources Inventory
Town of Guilford

Litchfield Hills Greenprint Project
A plan for land protection in Litchfield County portion of the Housatonic River watershed

Focus on Conservation and Open Space Planning 
Woodstock (NEMO, PDF)

Linking Open Space, Economic Development and Comprehensive Planning (NEMO, PDF)

Landscape Analyses to Steer a Better Course for the Region
A regional impervious surface build-out analysis in the Central Naugatuck Valley (NEMO, PDF)

A Full Scale Planning and Design Approach to Stormwater An intra-town, inter-agency coordination project in Old Saybrook (NEMO, PDF)

Pursuing "Low Impact Design"
Watertown (NEMO, PDF)

Leadership in Managing Runoff from Large Commercial Development
Waterford (NEMO, PDF) 

Updating Land Use Regulations to Protect Water Resources and Foster Community Character East Haddam (NEMO, PDF)

Promoting a Uniform Multi-town Approach to Water Protection
A watershed planning project by the Candlewood Lake Authority (NEMO, PDF)

Watershed Management Plans and Documents
Examples of watershed management plans with a link to guidance documents for developing watershed plans.

Content Last Updated November 21, 2008