Randolph P. Steinen Rock Core Repository
The bedrock core repository is a valuable compilation of the subsurface geologic record in Connecticut. It includes more than 7,500 feet of rock core recovered from borings throughout the state. The goal of the bedrock core repository is to archive representative geologic specimens of all geologic formations and terranes across the state. The State Geological Survey is maintaining and enhancing this collection for professional and academic research on topics including global climate change, education, tectonic reconstruction, Mesozoic stratigraphy, resource exploration, and hydrogeologic investigations. This collection is supported by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the USGS National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, and other partners. A catalog of holdings prepared by the Connecticut Geological Survey is available through the National Digital Catalog.
Geological Collections Repository, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Portland Depot, Portland CT
Contact State Geologist, Meghan Seremet or Repository Curator, Randolph Steinen to make arrangements for study and limited sampling.
Adding to the Collection
Limited space is currently available to receive donations of rock core. Additions to the collection will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Core Locations
The map below shows a number of locations, indicated by green circles, where rock core is available from multiple bore holes. You can also view the Web Core Data Table containing detailed geologic information for each core. Both the map and the core data table are periodically updated.