Borehole Research Project - Moodus, Connecticut

The name of the report is: "Moodus, Connecticut Borehole Research Project: The Magnitude and Orientation of Tectonic Stress in Southern New England, Final Report, EP86-42, 1988." The report was prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants as an account of work sponsored by the Empire State Electric Energy Research Corporation, the Electric Power Research Institute, and the Northeast Utilities Services Company.
The “Moodus Seismic Report” is organized in two parts. The first part summarizes the research program and data obtained. The various studies and experiments are briefly described, and their results and implications are presented in overview. The second part of this report consists of a series of appendices presenting the research reports of each investigator. The pdf file contains bookmarks to assist the reader in navigating the 510 pages of the report.
Content last updated May 8, 2014