2020 Boating Infrastructure Grant Applications

Questions and Answers to RFA
Q: Do you anticipate extending the due date?

A: No.  The deadline for submitting a completed application form and all required attachments is August 3, 2020 at 4:00 PM. 

Q: What additional details are you willing to provide, if any, beyond what is stated in bid documents concerning how you will identify the winning bid?

A: No additional details will be provided to applicants unless requested in writing by the July 20, 2020, 4:00 PM deadline identified in the Request for Applications (RFA).  Written responses to questions are provided herein, as identified in the RFA.  The application form and instructions as well as guidance documents provided as links to the instructions provide all information necessary to apply for a grant and how the competitive grant applications will be evaluated.

Q:  Was this bid posted to the nationwide free bid notification website at www.MyGovWatch.com/free?

A:  No.

Q: Other than your own website, where was this bid posted?

A: The RFA was posted on the Connecticut DEEP website at https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Boating/BIG/Boating-Infrastructure-Grant-Program and on the State of Connecticut’s procurement portal at https://biznet.ct.gov/SCP_Search/BidDetail.aspx?CID=53419.  A link to the bid process was also shared on the CT DEEP Boating Division’s social media platforms.


Content Last Updated on July 21, 2020