Connecticut's Revision to the State Implementation Plan (SIP)
Annual Fine Particulate Matter (PM 2.5) Attainment Demonstration
Public Hearing was held August 21, 2008
Hearing Information and Comments Received
Background and information on the PM2.5 Demonstration SIP:
The documents below present the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s (CT DEEP) version of the state implementation plan (SIP) for attaining the 1997 annual National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) that was the subject of the August 21, 2008 public hearing. The final post-hearing version of the SIP is available at:
Proposed PM2.5 Demonstration SIP (as proposed for the public hearing)
(Some of these documents are large and may not open quickly. Individual Sections & Appendices can be accessed below.)
Cover Letter to EPA (PDF, 92K)
Proposed Attainment Demonstration TSD Appendices (PDF, 15MB)
Proposed Attainment Demonstration TSD Sections
Title Page and Table of Contents (PDF, 150K)
Abstract and Executive Summary (PDF, 725 K)
Section 1: Introduction and Background (PDF, 263K)
Section 2: Conceptual Model of the PM 2.5 Problem (PDF, 1328K)
Section 6: Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) (PDF, 39K)
Section 8: Attainment Demonstration and Weight of Evidence (PDF, 1.10 MB)
Section 9: Contingency Measures (PDF, 56.5K)
Section 10: Adequacy Determination for CAA Section 110(a)(1) and (2) Program Infrastructure (PDF, 66.9K)
Proposed Attainment Demonstration TSD Appendices
Appendix 2A |
The Nature of the Fine Particle and Regional Haze Air Quality Problems in the MANE-VU Region: A Conceptual Description (PDF, 3,070K) |
Appendix 2B |
Conceptual Model for PM2.5 in Connecticut (PDF, 2,748K)
Appendix 2C |
Evaluation of a New Approach for Real Time Assessment of Wood Smoke PM (PDF, 370K) |
Appendix 4A | |
Appendix 4B | |
Appendix 5A | |
Appendix 5B | |
Appendix 5C | |
Appendix 5D | |
Appendix 7A | |
Appendix 8A | |
Appendix 8B |
CMAQ Air Quality Model Configuration (PDF, 198K) |
Appendix 8C |
MM5 Model Configuration (PDF, 201K) |
Appendix 8D | |
Appendix 8E |
OTC Modeling Grid Configurations Developed by NYDEC (PDF, 261K) |
Appendix 8F |
Emission Processing for the Revised 2002 OTC Regional and Urban 12 km Base Case Simulations (PDF, 248K) |
Appendix 8G | |
Appendix 8H | |
Appendix 8I |
New York City’s PlaNYC (PDF, 1,338K) |
Appendix 10A |
Content last updated on November 24, 2008