Open Burning

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  • Open Burning

    Learn about open burning, which is the burning of any matter, where smoke and other emissions are released directly into the ambient air without passing through an adequate stack or flue.

  • Open Burning - Campfires, Bonfires, Fire Pits, Chimineas

    Learn about the burning of wood in a campfire, bonfire, chiminea or other similar devices which is prohibited, if the burning is conducted so that it creates a nuisance for neighbors or it is in violation of any restrictions imposed by your local municipality.

  • Open Burning - Municipal

    A municipality may burn clean brush at its DEEP permitted transfer station, landfill, or recycling center. Learn about the open burning requirements and restrictions for municipalities.

  • Open Burning - Online Training Program

    Learn about and access the Connecticut Open Burning Training Program which assists municipalities in meeting the certification requirements for Open Burning Officials.

  • Open Burning - Residential

    Learn about open burning restrictions on property that is used exclusively for residential purposes.