The more the Connecticut Office of Tourism knows about cultural and tourism activities across the state, the better we can promote them to visitors and residents. If you're a tourism-related business or organization in Connecticut, we invite you to let us know about your new attractions, destination updates, new packages and discounts so that we can share them with our press contacts, through our social media sites and on our website.
Press Outreach
The Connecticut Office of Tourism team connects regularly with members of the local, regional and national media, who are always looking for unique stories and interesting destinations. Partners are encouraged to send updates to the Connecticut Tourism team for possible inclusion in our media outreach.
Be sure to add Adams & Knight's PR Specialist Caci Cosenzi, to your distribution list for news releases, special values and packages, and travel/tourism marketing mailings.
- Caci Cosenzi at (860) 676-2300 x173 or caci.cosenzi@adamsknight.com.
“Fam” Tours
Short for “familiarization tour," a fam tour offers writers — including traditional press, freelance travel journalists and bloggers — an invitation to experience a region, attraction, hotel or restaurant in exchange for exposure that will hopefully lead to future business. If you're willing to comp a visitor to encourage them to experience your destination, let us know so we can consider adding you to upcoming fam tour agendas.
Send your information to Regional Outreach Manager Rose Bove at (860) 500-2355 or Rosemary.Bove@ct.gov.
The Office of Tourism is also eager to add to its library of rights-released imagery to help promote tourism across Connecticut. If you have images or video you'd like to share with our office, please let us know. We also encourage you to contact us if you'd like to request to use any of the imagery on our site or featured in our other marketing materials.
For more information on either supplying or accessing photography, contact Rob Damroth at (860) 500-2349 or Robert.Damroth@ct.gov.
For information or questions on how to partner with our office, email ct.travelinfo@ct.gov.