Enterprise Zone (targeted investment communities)


There are numerous subsections to the CGS Sec. 32-70, which lists the factors that allow for additional municipalities to be added to zone designations.

CGS Sec. 32-70. Enterprise Zones for targeted investment communities  

CGS Sec. 32-70 subsection (b), contiguous to another municipality's Enterprise Zone

CGS Sec. 32-70 subsection (c)(2)(A), base closure or plant closure 

CGS Sec. 32-75a. Railroad Depot Zones. 

CGS Sec. 32-76Designation and approval of entertainment district in municipality in which an enterprise zone is located. 

And there is more information at the Connecticut General Statutes at "CHAPTER 585 ENTERPRISE ZONES, ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICTS, ENTERPRISE CORRIDOR ZONES AND AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT ZONES" and elsewhere in Statutes. 

Look up Regulations of State Agencies for sections that begin with 32-9p, 32-70, and 32-75 relating to various aspects of the statewide investment incentive program (i.e., the Enteprise Zone Program


Since 1981, the Connecticut General Assembly updates and amends the requirements under these Statutes from time to time, allowing for additional municipalities to request to be considered for Enterprise zone benefits.