Survey For Individuals and Families

September 30, 2020
DDS is in the process of gathering information and perspective from our stakeholders regarding the response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Below is a link to a survey which is our first step in collecting your experiences, thoughts, opinions, and recommendations to the department.  Please take a moment to complete the survey, your input is important and a valuable piece to move forward with improving our systems and how we respond to future events.  The survey will close on 10/9/20.
Individual and Family Survey Link:
The next phase of our review will be to hold virtual stakeholder groups.  In the survey you will be asked if you are interested in taking part in a virtual meeting.  If you are interested, you need to enter your email address.  Once the survey closes we will send out an invitation to those who have expressed interest in participating in the virtual meeting.  These stakeholder groups will be limited in size.
Thank you again for helping us to improve DDS’ response system.