Automotive Glass Work and Flat Glass Work Examining Board

The Automotive Glass Work and Flat Glass Work Board shall consist of eight members who shall be residents of this state, one of whom shall be a general contractor or an unlimited contractor licensed to perform automotive glass work under this chapter, one of whom shall be a general contractor or an unlimited contractor licensed to perform flat glass work under this chapter, one of whom shall be an unlimited contractor licensed to perform automotive glass work under this chapter, one of whom shall be an unlimited contractor licensed to perform flat glass work under this chapter, one of whom shall be an unlimited journeyman licensed to perform flat glass work under this chapter and three of whom shall be public members.


Board Members
  • Edward J. Fusco -- Chairman., Journeyman, Flat Glass
  • Jennifer Russell-Vanasse -- Contractor, Auto Glass
  • Carl Von Dassel -- Contractor, Flat Glass
  • John A. Wisniewski -- Contractor, Auto Glass

 Board Vacancies: (1) Flat Glass Unlimited or General Contractor
                                   (3) Public Members

Next Meeting

August 22

 2024 Current Scheduled Board Meetings

November 21



All meetings begin at 9:00 a.m.

Please click on the upcoming meeting to view the agenda and Zoom webinar information


All meetings are Virtual Webinars


Video Recorded Meetings

NOTICE: In accordance with Connecticut General Statute Chapter 393 Sections 20-330 through 20-341, all persons engaged in flat glass and automotive glass work must be licensed. Select the link below for more information regarding licensure and penalties for failure to comply.