CPA Application Process

Connecticut is a two-tier state. Once an individual has met all requirements to become a CPA (i.e., education, exams, ethics and experience), they may apply for the first tier, a qualified certificate.

The qualified certificate is a pre-requisite to becoming registered or licensed for first time applicants. It is not an "active" status and does not allow the holder to practice as a CPA or use the designation CPA on any materials. 

Once you have qualified for a certificate, the second tier would be to either obtain an active certificate registration or an active license.


Applications, Requirements and Forms

  • Firm Permits: To apply for an initial in-state or out-of-state firm permit, reinstate an expired permit, report a name change and terminate an old firm.


Candidates who hold a CT Certificate

Applicants who have already gone through the certification process and have a Connecticut certificate and now wish to apply for a registration or license:



Email address for licensing inquiries:

