Real Estate Broker and Salesperson Renewal

Real Estate Broker and Salesperson licenses will expire every even-numbered year.  The full renewal fee will be required the first renewal cycle after the issuance of the license.   


Broker licenses will expire November 30th of every even-numbered year.   

  • Renewal notices will be emailed to all active brokers approximately 30 - 45 days prior to the expiration date.  Please keep your contact information current with this office.  Please click this link for information on how to update your license information. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you change your broker license from an individual to a corporation, partnership or limited liability company, please be sure your salespersons transfer to the appropriate license.  
  • Renewal Fee: $758.00
  • Late Fee: $75.00 if renewal fee is not received by the expiration.
  • Continuing Education: 12 hrs. every even-numbered year.
  • Instructions to Renew Online
Salesperson licenses will expire May 31st of every even-numbered year. 
  • Renewal notices will be emailed to all active salespersons approximately 30 - 45 days prior to the expiration date. Please keep your contact information current with this office.  Please click this link for information on how to update your license information. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: Salespersons with an "Inactive" license are not eligible to renew. To avoid a delay in the ability to renew your license, please be sure you have a sponsoring broker prior to your renewal cycle. 
  • Renewal Fee: $578.00
  • Late Fee:  $57.00 if renewal fee is not received by the expiration. 
  • Continuing Education: 12 hrs. every even-numbered year.
  • Instructions to Renew Online