Suspicious Order Monitoring


Section 3 Public Act 18-16 required that each manufacturer or wholesaler of drugs shall operate a system to identify suspicious orders of controlled substances and shall immediately inform the Director of Drug Control Division of suspicious orders.  Suspicious orders include, but are not limited to, orders of unusual size, orders deviating substantially from a normal pattern and orders of unusual frequency.  Each registered manufacturer or wholesaler of drugs shall also send the Drug Control Division a copy of any suspicious activity reporting submitted to the federal Drug Enforcement Administration pursuant to 21 CFR 1301.74.

Section 4 Public Act 19-191 Adds the requirement for each registered manufacturer or wholesaler of drugs that, based on concerns of potential diversion, ceases or declines distribution of any schedule II, III, IV or V controlled substance to a pharmacy, as defined in section 20-594, or to a practitioner, as defined in section 21a-316, in the state of Connecticut shall report the name of the pharmacy or practitioner, location of the pharmacy or practitioner and the reasons for ceasing or declining distribution of such controlled substance in writing to the Director of the Drug Control Division, or to an electronic system designated by the Drug Control Division, not later than five business days after ceasing or declining distribution of such controlled substance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How do I report a suspicious order to the Director of the Drug Control Division?

Reports will be accepted via email to or via fax to (860) 706-1207.

2.  What information should be contained in the suspicious order report?

Include the report that you would normally send to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) plus the Connecticut license number of the facility.

3.  How soon after a suspicious order is identified do I have to notify the Director of the Drug Control Division?

  The notification should happen immediately and be sent electronically to or via fax to (860) 706-1207

4.  If a wholesaler or manufacturer ceases or decline business with a pharmacy or practitioner based on concerns of potential diversion does that have to be reported?

As of October 1, 2019, any time a wholesaler or manufacturer ceases or declines business based on potential diversion they have to report that to the Director of the Drug Control Division.

5.  What information should be contained in the cease or decline business report to the Drug Control Division?

Include the information that you would normally report for suspicious orders to Connecticut and include "cease business" or "decline business" as appropriate.

