Prescription Error Complaints

If you believe that you've been given the wrong medication by your pharmacist, please notify your physician and pharmacist immediately.

To submit a complaint about a prescription error please send an email to and include the following information to the best of your ability:  

1.  Name, address, phone number and email address of person filing the complaint (date of birth if the person submitting the complaint is also the patient)
2.  Patient name, date of birth, and relationship to the person filing the complaint (if applicable)
3.  Pharmacy Name, address and phone number
4.  Prescription number(s)
5.  Date the prescription was filled
6.  Date the issue was determined
7.  Dispensed medication name and strength
8.  Names and titles of the individuals contacted at the pharmacy (if applicable)
9.  Is there evidence available and if so who is in possession of it at this time
10. Briefly describe the events related to the complaint in the order in which they happened.
11. Please include photographs with your email, fax or letter if possible.
12. What type of error occurred:

 A. Wrong Medication                     
 F. Wrong Patient Name
 B. Wrong Strength
 G. Wrong Directions
 C. Wrong Quantity  H. Expired Medication
 D. Mixed Medication  I. Received someone else’s medication    
 E. Other

If you prefer to submit your complaint by fax or mail, please open this fillable Prescription Error Complaint Form and complete it to the best of your ability. Fax and mailing information is at the top of the form and below:

                Department of Consumer Protection

                Drug Control Division

               450 Columbus Blvd, Suite 901

                Hartford, CT 06103

                Fax: (860) 706-1350
