Pharmaceutical Marketing Firm Registration

Sections 3 through 6 of Public Act 23-171 require pharmaceutical manufacturers that employ pharmaceutical sales representatives to register with the Department of Consumer Protection. The law is effective October 1, 2023.


This registration is required for any pharmaceutical manufacturer that employs an individual to perform the duties of a pharmaceutical sales representative. For the purposes of this registration, a pharmaceutical sales representative is a person who markets, promotes or provides information regarding a legend drug for human use to a prescribing practitioner (physician, APRN, physician assistant, etc.) and is employed or compensated by a pharmaceutical manufacturer.



Required Documentation
  • Online application (below)
  • List of the pharmaceutical manufacturer's pharmaceutical sales representatives
  • Information from the Food and Drug Administration
Application Forms and Other
  • Initial Application Fee: $150
  • Renewal Fee: $150 (Late Fee: $100)

This registration expires annually on June 30th. 

Renewals for this registration will require the following information from the previous calendar year:

  1. Aggregate number of contacts a pharmaceutical sales representative had with a prescribing practitioner;
  2. Specialty of each prescribing practitioner and pharmacist with whom such pharmaceutical sales representative made contact;
  3. Whether product samples, materials or gifts of any value were provided to a prescribing practitioner or such practitioner’s staff in a prescribing practitioner’s office or to a pharmacist;
  4. Aggregate report of all free samples, by drug name and strength, in a form and manner prescribed by the commissioner.

Pharmaceutical Marketing Firms may download the form below and submit the completed form with their registration renewal to comply with the reporting requirement:

Roster of Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives

A roster of salesperson representatives registered with a pharmaceutical marketing firm can be downloaded using the eLicense online licensing system. The roster is available under “Drug Control - Pharmacy, Pharmacists, etc.” then “Pharmaceutical Marketing Firm Salespersons”.

Frequently Asked Questions
Email Address

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