Advanced Pharmacy Technician Registration

**IMPORTANT** The Department is working to develop regulations implementing registration for advanced pharmacy technicians. Those interested in registering as an advanced pharmacy technician must wait until the regulations have been finalized and published to apply. Please check this page regularly for updates.

Public Act 24-73 creates a registration for advanced pharmacy technicians with the Department of Consumer Protection. The law is effective October 1, 2024. Registration will begin after regulations have been finalized and published.


This registration allows a registered pharmacy technician who is also registered as an advanced pharmacy technician to perform advanced duties delegated by a pharmacist.


  • Actively registered and qualified as a pharmacy technician for the three-year period immediately preceding the date of application;
  • Continuously holds a certification from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, or any other equivalent pharmacy technician certification program approved by the department, for the three-year period immediately preceding the date of application, and maintains such certification in good standing;
  • Successfully completed (A) an educational course, during the one-year period immediately preceding the date of application, that (i) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education or another appropriate national accrediting body, or (ii) the commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion, deems equivalent to an accredited educational course;
  • Successfully completes a competency assessment performed by a pharmacist in accordance with the forthcoming regulations;
  • Is employed by a pharmacy or institutional pharmacy; and
  • Works under the direct supervision of a pharmacist.

Required Documentation:

  • Online application (not available at this time);
  • Copy of certification from the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, or any other equivalent pharmacy technician certification program completed within the last three years;
  • Copy of certificate demonstrating successful completion of educational course accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education or another appropriate national accrediting body within the last year;
  • Verification of competency assessment by a licensed pharmacist; and,
  • Verification of current employment by a pharmacy or institutional pharmacy under the direct supervision of a pharmacist.


apply online button (Online application not available at this time.)

  • Initial Application Fee: $25.00
  • Renewal Fee: $25.00

This registration expires annually on March 31. Must be renewed with pharmacy technician registration.

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