
The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (formerly the Department of Public Utility Control) helps consumers to resolve various types of problems they may experience with their utility company -- electricity, natural gas, water, and telecommunication, and to some degree, cable services.

If you experience a problem with a utility company, please contact the utility company first and give them an opportunity to resolve your problem. If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, please call or write the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority.  

Public Utilities Regulatory Authority

10 Franklin Square
New Britain, CT 06051
Phone: 800-382-4586

Note: The Regulatory Authority does not handle complaints about:

  • Yellow Pages Advertisements  (contact Dept. of Consumer Protection)
  • False Advertising claims, fraud, or Claims for damage (contact Dept. of Consumer Protection)
  • Heating Oil or Propane Gas Companies  (contact Dept. of Consumer Protection)
  • Telephone Equipment (PBX)
  • Internet or Computer Systems
  • Companies such as Integretel, Oncol, or  Zero Plus Dialing.  The long distance companies should be referred directly to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Interstate Phones, 900 Calls should be referred to the FCC
  • Cellular Phones billing, rates or rate regulation
  • Programming Channels carried by Cable TV Companies
  • Rates Charged by Cable TV for premium channels (HBO, STARZ, ect.)