6-12-19 R&P Minutes
Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities
Ad Hoc Research & Planning Committee
Ad Hoc Research & Planning Committee
Draft Minutes of the Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. Present at the meeting were all Committee members: James Hexter, Committee Chair and Council Chair, Shelagh McClure, Council Vice Chair, Council members Joyce Lewis, Gretchen Knauff, Kevin Daly, and Charles Bergamo, and non-Council members Mary Beth Bruder, Director of the UCEDD and Molly Cole, former Director of the Council. Walter Glomb, Director of the Council was also present. Introductions were made at the beginning of the meeting.
James briefly spoke about the reason why the committee has been formed, which largely related to challenges faced by the Council, and the value at this time of examining whether the current structure still served the Council’s mission. Shelagh and Molly added some context--that the challenges, in particular, several personnel challenges, have faced the Council over the years, and that the Council, being a small State agency, has difficulty dealing with such challenges.
As requested by the Council Chair, Walt presented questions the Committee will consider:
1. How many staff people should be hired by the Council; what work should be done by staff; and what work should be done by contractors?
2. Should Council operations remain within DDS or should they be moved to a private non-stock corporation?
2. Should Council operations remain within DDS or should they be moved to a private non-stock corporation?
Walt then presented information relevant to these questions to assist the Committee in its analysis and discussion ensued.
Among the specific issues discussed were: the Council’s budget and the rules under which the funds must be administered and expended; the Council’s current costs and possible choices that have been or could be made to save money, including use of contractors; key man risk and how to address it; and with respect to issues such as staff (salary and fringe benefits) and administration (i.e. human resources, contract administration), the advantages and disadvantages of the Council remaining a State agency vs. the advantages and disadvantages of the Council converting to a private non-stock corporation. There was also a discussion of tax status of a non-profit, and a suggestion to reorganize committees around Council goals to increase Council member engagement and assist the Director/staff in administration.
Next Steps
The Committee will meet again in July. In the interim the following will be pursued:
1. Molly will reach out to NACDD to get information on other DD Councils that are non-profits corporations. She will get referrals to some Councils to talk to them about their experience and/or talk to NACDD about their views of the State Agency vs. private non-profit Council model.
2. For projects/expenditures that have been outsourced, Walt will provide a comparison of cost in-house vs. the cost once outsourced.
3. Walt will present a structure to handle key man risk via a Council committee.
4. Gretchen will make a presentation on the conversion of the Office of Protection and Advocacy from a State agency to the private non-profit Disability Rights Connecticut, to include a comparison administrative costs and responsibilities, and the benefits and disadvantages.
5. The July Council meeting will include an agenda item: Discussion of committee structure--organizing committees around Council goals and related projects.
2. For projects/expenditures that have been outsourced, Walt will provide a comparison of cost in-house vs. the cost once outsourced.
3. Walt will present a structure to handle key man risk via a Council committee.
4. Gretchen will make a presentation on the conversion of the Office of Protection and Advocacy from a State agency to the private non-profit Disability Rights Connecticut, to include a comparison administrative costs and responsibilities, and the benefits and disadvantages.
5. The July Council meeting will include an agenda item: Discussion of committee structure--organizing committees around Council goals and related projects.
The meeting adjourned at 11:40.