Public Forum and Regular Council Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 10:00 a.m. – 11:37 a.m.
(Online via Microsoft Teams)
The 231st meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:37 a.m. on Microsoft Teams.
Presiding: James Hexter, Chair
Recorder of Minutes: Donna Devin
Members Present: Charles Bergamo; Vice Chair, April Burke, Kevin Daly, Antonia Edwards, Ann Gionet, James Hexter; Chair, Bryan Klimkiewicz, Joyce Lewis, Ellyn Little, Patricia Richardson, Lauren Traceski, Brenda Stenglein,
Members Absent: Mary Beth Bruder, Louis St. Felix,
Staff: Walter Glomb, Director
New Non-Voting Council Members Present: Emily Ball, Michelle Baughman, Andy Cirioli III, Doris Maldonado, Alfred Piehl, Kaitlynn Ramos
Members of the Public: Ann Adams, Julie Ball, Christine Calabro, Jasmine Cruz, Deborah Dorfman, David Doukas, Sarah Eagan, Jennifer Jenkins, Nanfi Lubogo, Andrea Richardson, Sheri Romblad, Leslie Warren (ASL Interpreter) and Jeremy (ASL Interpreter)
- Greetings from Council Chair:James Hexter, Chair, opened the public forum segment of the meeting by welcoming everyone in attendance. He summarized the Council’s mission and methods for achieving its objectives, and invited members of the public to voice their concerns and opinions.
- Council Overview:Using a PowerPoint presentation, Walter Glomb, Council Director, briefly reviewed the DD Act and explained how its emphasis on independent living, self-direction, and full inclusion in the community, guides the obligations and responsibilities of the federally funded Council. To reach its goals, the Council engages in advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change necessary for building a system of services and supports in Connecticut that is consumer and family centered, consumer and family directed and focused on living in the community. He outlined the Council’s goals, mentioned its initiatives, and discussed the Council’s new five-year plan.
- Comments from Members of the Public:Ann Adams from the Department of Children and Families was the first person to speak. They have a number of clients that have disabilities, and the parents are really struggling on keeping kids at home. They are eligible for DDS services, so she was interested in hearing a little bit more about how the Council is supporting kids at home and in school to be able to have them remain in the community.
The next person to address the Council was Christina Calabro. She did not have a comment to make, was just listening in and thanked the Council for their time.
- Call to Order: With a quorum present, James Hexter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:40 a.m.
- Approval of Agenda:Chuck Bergamo motioned to approve the agenda. Antonia Edwards seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.
- Discussion and Approval of Plan for ACL Grant to Expand Access to COVID-19 Vaccines:The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) includes grants to 13 entities in Connecticut to overcome barriers to Covid-19 vaccines for people with disabilities through the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Council’s funding source in Washington, DC. The Council has received $40K for the purpose of helping people with disabilities in Connecticut get the Covid-19 vaccine. A plan is being created to get the vaccine to people with disabilities who are not able to access the regular vaccine clinics. A toolkit is also in the works.
- Announcements and Adjournment:Chuck Bergamo made a motion for adjournment. Doris Maldonado seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021, online via Microsoft Teams.