CT Council on Developmental Disabilities
September 13, 2022, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Online via Microsoft Teams
The 239th meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, from 10:05 a.m. to 2:06 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.
Presiding: James Hexter, Chair
Recorder of Minutes: Donna Devin, Program Assistant
Members Present: Emily Ball, Michelle Baughman, Chuck Bergamo, April Burke, Antonia Edwards, Mike Finley, Lynn Frith, James Hexter, Chair; Shannon Jacovino, Bryan Klimkiewicz, Doris Maldonado Mendez, Vice Chair; Kaitlynn Ramos, Bonnie Roswig, Fran Traceski, Tara Viens, Jim Welsh
Members Absent: Andy Cirioli, Kevin Daly, Louis St. Felix, Jennifer Switalski
Staff: Walter Glomb, Director
Members of the Public: Chyrell Bellamy, Dianne Bilyak, Darlene Borre, Christina Calabro, Mollie Cole, Mark Costa, M.D.; Jordan Fairchild, Traci Fairchild, Pam Fields, Kathy Flaherty, Kathie (Guest), Sara Labella, ASL Interpreter; Nanfi Lubogo, Shanon McCormick, Amy Rubin Mindell, Graziela do Carmo Reis, Maria Restrepo-Toro, Sherri Romblad, Bonnie Roswig,
- Call to Order: With a quorum present, James Hexter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m
- James welcomed and introduced the Council’s Grantees. Presentations were given by Council Grantees on the projects they’ve been working on over the past fiscal year:
- Yale Program for Recovery & Community Health (PRCH)
Graziela do Carmo Reis, Project Coordinator, Yale School of Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry
Update on the Role of Citizenship and Belonging Project for People with Developmental and Psychiatric Disabilities: The Disability Lived Experience Action Network (D-LEAN)
- PATH/Family Voices of Connecticut
Nanfi Lubogo, Executive Co-Director
Update on programs and projects
- CT Association for Human Services / Keep the Promise Coalition
Jordan Fairchild, Coordinator & Community Organizer
Update for statewide educational trainings on housing, and advocacy and leadership.
- Disability Rights Connecticut
Kathy Flaherty, CT Legal Rights Project, Attorney and Executive Director
Update on educational webinars in collaboration with CT Legal Rights Projects and the Center for Children’s Advocacy
- Down Syndrome Association of Connecticut
Shanon McCormick, Executive Director
Educational Symposium for Professionals on Aging and Down Syndrome, to share best practices, so other organizations for developmental disabilities can use their template and create their own trainings.
- Futures, Inc.
Darlene Borre, Attorney and Vocational Innovator
Training and Assistance for Microbusinesses. Initiative explores what’s possible in individualized programs and what could be the best practices to accommodate all levels of need.
- Mid-State Arc, Inc. Assistive Technology Training Center
Pam Fields, Executive Director
Review of 2-Day Independent Living Conference: Journey to Independence, Assistive Technology at Its Best
- State Independent Living Council (CT SILC)
Molly Cole, Executive Director
Update on Partners in Policymaking trainings
- Western Connecticut Association for Human Rights
Christina Calabro, Executive Director
To provide direct and indirect advocacy workshops for parents, guardians, and individuals with disabilities on special education, transition, social security, other government benefits, etc.
(At 12:40 a.m., the official business portion of the Annual Meeting commenced.)
1. Approval of Agenda:Antonia Edwards motioned to approve the agenda. Michelle Baughman seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.
2. Amendment of the Agenda: Comments will be filled in for James Hexter, Council Chair. Chuck Bergamo motioned for acceptance. Bryan Klimkiewicz seconded the motion. All approved the amendment. Brenda Stenglein abstained.
3. Approval of July 12, 2022 Minutes: April Burke motioned to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Michelle Baughman. The minutes were approved.
4. Comments by the Chair:James Hexter, Council Chair; thanked the Council for a very rewarding and successful 4 years of their Chair.
5. Nominations and Election of Council Chair and Vice Chair for 2022:
Doris Maldonado Mendez was elected by the Council to be the Chair. James Hexter was elected as Council Vice Chair.
Doris Maldonado Mendez, Council Chair, assumed the duties of Council Chair, and presided over the remainder of the meeting.
6. Report from the Executive Director: Walter Glomb, Council Executive Director, said he was very pleased with all of the morning’s presentations by the Council’s grantees and thought they were first rate. He wishes many more people could see what is going on with the Council, what they are supporting and accomplishing with their funding.
He pointed out beyond the state plan activities, the public health workforce funding the Council received. He is finalizing a contract or MOU with Health Equity Solutions to fund developmental training for Community Health Workers and accommodations for people with developmental disabilities. Tara Viens, Assistant Director of the UCONN UCEDD will be assisting the Council with this endeavor.
A meeting will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Rocky Hill on Wednesday, September 28 for the Bridging Aging and Disability Services Community of Practice. Dr. Joseph Caldwell from Brandeis University will be presenting.
Review and Approval of Budget for FY 2022: Michelle Baughman motioned to approve the budget. The motion was seconded by Shannon Jacovino. The budget was approved.
The Council moved to approve the Budget for Fiscal Year 2022. The budget was passed.
Review and Adoption of Calendar for Fiscal Year 2023: Antonia Edwards motioned to change the Council’s Tuesday, November 8, Election Day meeting date to Tuesday, November 1. Michelle Baughman seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Report and Recommendations from Membership Committee: Doris Maldonado Mendez, Council Chair, reported on behalf of the Membership Committee. They recommended approving the applications for Council Memberships from Karen Healy, Graziela do Carmo Reis, Kathy Strout, and Damaris Santos.
Michelle Baughman motioned to approve the Committee’s recommendations. Antonia Edwards seconded the motion. The motion passed.
7. Discussion of the Schedule for approving 2023 Council Grants: Another batch of grants are being sent to the Council’s Proposal Review and Evaluation Committee for their approval.
8. Adjourn:Doris Maldonado Mendez, Chair, asked for a motion for adjournment. April Burke motioned to adjourn. Antonia Edwards seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 2:06 p.m. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 via Microsoft Teams.