Current Members
Individuals with developmental disabilities, parents, guardians, or immediate relativesAndy Cirioli, Family member
Ashley McClain, Parent
Elena Poma, Parent
Emily Ball, Self-advocate
Emily Cowen, Self-advocate
Graziela Reis, Family member
Kaitlyn Ramos, Self-advocate
Karen Healy, Self-advocate
Kathie Strout, Parent
Lena Esposito, Parent
Matthew Sagacity Walker, Parent
Michelle Baughman, Self-advocate
Rene Lambert, Self-advocate
Robert Berriault, Self-advocate
Sierra Scott, Parent
Developmental Disabilities Network
Rachel Mirsky, Disability Rights Connecticut (P&A)
Laurie Cantwell, University of Connecticut Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
Local nongovernmental nonprofit groups concerned with services for individuals with developmental disabilities
Fran Traceski, The Arc Connecticut
Michael Finley, Mental Health Connecticut
State Entities
Bryan Klimkiewicz, State Department of Education
Lynn Frith, Bureau of Rehabilitative Services
Andrew Black, State Unit on Aging
Julie Vigil, Department of Public Health
Shannon Jacovino, Department of Developmental Services
For more information contact the Director.