List it before you lose it!
The importance of making a home inventory

The Connecticut Insurance Department reminds homeowners and renters of the importance of making a home inventory and of a convenient way to keep track – a free phone app from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).

The free iPhone® application lets users quickly photograph and capture images, descriptions, bar code and serial numbers and store them electronically. It organizes information room by room and creates a back-up file for e-mail sharing. Keeping a home inventory helps individuals stay current on their family’s changing insurance needs. Whether you own or rent, check with your agent or insurance company to determine what your policy covers.

To download the application click here: Home Inventory App - NAIC

For help with all your insurance contact the Department’s Consumer Affairs Division at or call (800) 203-3447 or 860-297-3900 or on the Insurance Department Website

Tips for Making Home Inventory

  • Make a list of possessions, including ‘celebration’ purchases such as jewelry and fine art.
  • Think about family heirlooms, collections and furniture. Also consider items related to everyday leisure time, from flat-screen televisions to custom guitars.
  • Take note of commonplace items such as toys, CDs and clothing. And do not forget items you may only use occasionally such as holiday decorations, sports equipment, tools and high-ticket items kept outside your home such as landscape art and swing sets.
  • Attach copies of original sales receipts and/or appraisal documents to your inventory. Be sure to note model and serial numbers.
  • Group your possessions into logical categories, i.e., by hobby, by room in your home.
  • Carefully photograph or videotape each item and document a brief description including age, purchase price and estimated current value.
  • Remember to open drawers and closets to document what’s inside.
  • Store your home inventory and related documents in a safe, easily accessible place such as a secured site/file online, a fire-proof box or in a safe deposit box. You may want to share a copy with your insurance provider so he or she can make necessary updates to your coverage.
  • Review and update your inventory annually and whenever you make a significant purchase.
About the Connecticut Insurance Department: The mission of the Connecticut Insurance Department is to protect consumers through regulation of the industry, outreach, education and advocacy. The Department recovers an average of $4 million yearly on behalf of consumers and regulates the industry by ensuring carriers adhere to state insurance laws and regulations and are financially solvent to pay claims. The Department’s annual budget is funded through assessments from the insurance industry. Each year, the Department returns an average of $100 million a year to the state General Fund in license fees, premium taxes, fines and other revenue sources to support various state programs, including childhood immunization.
For help with all your insurance issues:
  • Ask a question or file a complaint online
  • Call the Consumer Helpline at 800-203-3447 or 860-297-3900.
  • Sign up for e-alerts to get the latest news, warnings and rate changes that may affect your premium
  • Download consumer FAQs on health, homeowner and auto coverage
  • Use the Department’s Speakers Bureau for public events.
  • Visit our Web site and follow the Department on Facebook, Twitter or YouTube