- Dorothea Anagnostopoulos
- Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- University of Connecticut
- Summer Enrichment

- Eric Brunner
- Professor of Economics & Policy
- University of Connecticut
- High-dosage Tutoring, Connecticut High Dosage Tutoring Statewide Program Evaluation, LEAP Evaluation

- Elizabeth Burland
- Assistant Research Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Categorizing and Understanding Facilities and Long-term (Capital) Investments

- Sandra M. Chafouleas
- BOT Distinguished Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Identifying Effective and Equitable Socio-Emotional Supports for Students and Educators

- Casey Cobb
- Neag Professor of Educational Policy
- University of Connecticut
- Summer Enrichment

- Elizabeth H. Connors
- Assistant Professor
- Yale School of Medicine
- Evaluation of the Learner Engagement and Behavioral Health Pilot (BHP)

- Katie Cunningham
- Associate Professor
- Sacred Heart University
- Evaluation of Reading Curriculum Implementation

- Morgaen Donaldson
- Philip Austin Endowed Chair and Professor
- University of Connecticut
- CCERC Co-director
- Investigating variations in ARP-ESSER funding applications, Teachers’ and Leaders’ Perceptions, Turnover, and Supply

- Sally Drew
- Associate Professor
- Sacred Heart University
- Evaluation of Professional Learning Masterclass on Science of Reading

- Ajit Gopalakrishnan
- Chief Performance Officer
- Connecticut State Department of Education
- CCERC Co-director

- Latoya Haynes-Thoby
- Assistant Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Identifying Effective and Equitable Socio-Emotional Supports for Students and Educators

- Wesley Henry
- Assistant Professor
- Central Connecticut State University
- Evaluation of Professional Learning Masterclass on Science of Reading

- Kimberly Hieftje
- Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
- Yale University School of Medicine
- Virtual Reality in Connecticut Schools

- Britney Jones
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Educational Studies
- Trinity College
- Equity in Academic Recovery

- Stephen P. Joy
- Professor of Psychology
- Albertus Magnus College
- Equity in Academic Recovery

- Joy Kaufman
- Professor
- Yale School of Medicine
- Remote Learning, Theories of Action in ARP-ESSER Plans

- Alexandra J. Lamb
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- University of Connecticut
- CCERC Project Manager
- Theories of Action in ARP-ESSER plans; Investigating variations in ARP-ESSER funding applications; Connecticut High Dosage Tutoring Statewide Program Evaluation

- Carolyn A. Lin
- Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Evaluation of the Learner Engagement and Behavioral Health Pilot (BHP)

- Eric Loken
- Associate Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Steering Committee Member
- Advanced Course Taking Patterns in Connecticut High Schools

- Dr. Betsy McCoach
- Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Steering Committee Member

- Adam McCready
- Assistant Professor-in-Residence of Higher Education and Student Affairs
- University of Connecticut
- Social Media and Digital Literacy

- Jennifer McGarry
- Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Summer Enrichment

- Casey McPherson
- Assistant Professor
- Southern Connecticut State University
- High Dosage Tutoring, Connecticut High Dosage Tutoring Statewide Program Evaluation

- Joanna Meyer
- Assistant Director of Child Wellbeing and Education Research
- Yale School of Medicine
- Remote Learning

- Kayon Morgan
- Assistant Professor
- University of Hartford
- Steering Committee Member

- Lee Morgan
- Director of Inclusive Teaching
- Sacred Heart University
- Identifying Effective and Equitable Socio-Emotional Supports for Students and Educators

- Jennifer Phaiah
- Assistant Clinical Professor
- Sacred Heart University
- Teachers’ and Leaders’ Perceptions, Turnover, and Supply; Social Media and Digital Literacy

- Kristin Rainville
- Associate Professor & Director Literacy Programs
- Sacred Heart University
- Evaluation of Reading Curriculum Implementation

- Stephen L. Ross
- Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Connecticut High Dosage Tutoring Statewide Program Evaluation, Equity in Academic Recovery, High Dosage Tutoring, Remote Learning

- Lisa Sanetti
- Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Teachers’ and Leaders’ Perceptions, Turnover, and Supply

- John Settlage
- Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Advanced Course Taking Patterns in Connecticut High Schools

- Steve Stemler
- Professor of Psychology; Co-Chair, College of Education Studies
- Wesleyan University
- LEAP Evaluation, Virtual Reality in Connecticut Schools

- Tricia J. Stewart
- Professor
- Western Connecticut State University
- Steering Committee Member
- Teachers’ and Leaders’ Perceptions, Turnover, and Supply

- Michael Strambler
- Associate Professor
- Yale School of Medicine
- Steering Committee Member
- Remote Learning, Identifying Effective and Equitable Socio-Emotional Supports for Students and Educators

- Yan Wei
- Associate Professor
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Connecticut High Dosage Tutoring Statewide Program Evaluation, High-dosage Tutoring

- Jennie Weiner
- Professor of Education Leadership
- University of Connecticut
- Theories of Action in ARP-ESSER plans, Evaluation of Professional Learning Masterclass on Science of Reading

- Jacob Werblow
- Professor of Curriculum and Instruction
- Central Connecticut State University
- LEAP Evaluation, Theories of Action in ARP-ESSER Plans

- Olcay Yavuz
- Associate Professor
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Advanced Course Taking Patterns in Connecticut High Schools

- Michael Young
- Associate Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Remote Learning

- Wesley Younts
- Director of the Center for Social Research; Associate Professor
- University of Hartford
- Steering Committee Member

- Jinhai Yu
- Assistant Professor
- University of Connecticut
- Categorizing and Understanding Facilities and Long-term (Capital) Investments, Evaluation of Reading Curriculum Implementation