Equity in Academic Recovery in Response to Covid-19

This project seeks to investigate the recovery from COVID-era decline in achievement in Connecticut, taking into consideration cognitive and social-emotional learning to better understand the recovery process.

Our primary goals will be to assess the extent of potential inequities in academic recovery affecting members of vulnerable populations (e.g., students diagnosed with disabilities, from socioeconomically disadvantaged families, and/or belonging to historically oppressed groups) and to identify factors associated with greater or lesser equity in recovery among such students.

Through a mixed-method approach, we will examine which districts are recovering most strongly, for which groups, and why. Methodologies employed include quantitative analysis of administrative data, surveys, and qualitative case studies. The goal of this project is to identify practices and approaches that have been successful at supporting academic recovery, especially among students in vulnerable populations.

Project Timeline

Start Date: January 2023
End Date: January 2025