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Advanced Course Taking Patterns in Connecticut High Schools

This is a comprehensive survey of advanced course taking among high school students in Connecticut, with attention to changes in supply and demand following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our work will proceed in four phases, beginning with a thorough census to identify all relevant advanced course enrollments and the associated providers, from 2017 to present.

In the second phase we will summarize the longitudinal data by course, district, and student groups, allowing us to identify distinct patterns and profiles. Subgroup analyses will address groups disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Based on these analyses we will identify 5-6 districts for further study.

In Phase 3 we will conduct interviews and surveys with students, school counselors, district decision makers. We will also interview institutional providers of dual-enrollment classes to explore reasons for changes in supply and demand since the pandemic, and conduct a statewide survey of counselors in Spring 2024.

Phase 4 will incorporate 2023 school year data into our database, and complete final reporting.


Project Timeline

Start Date: January 2023
End Date: September 2024