Ground Covers, Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Ornamentals
Trees and Shrubs
PP029 Fire Blight
PP038 List of Common Diseases and Insect Pests of Rhododendron
PP047 Recognizing Tree Diseases and Stress Factors
PP049 Solving Abiotic Tree Problems
PP054 Weather-Associated Problems of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
PP055 Winter Injury and Drying of Rhododendron
PP057 Yellowing, Dieback, and Death of Needled Evergreens
PP077 Common Disease of Rose
PP079 Five Easy Steps for Pruning a Shrub
FH003 Fertilization of Trees and Shrubs: A Primer
Acorn Pip Gall, Callirhytis operator (Cynipidae)
Anthracnose Diseases of Trees
Ash Leaf Rust
Beech Leaf Disease: Management Options
Browning, Dieback, and Decline of Eastern Red CedarButternut and Butternot Trees in Connecticut
Common Diseases of Crabapple
Common Problems of Rhododendron and Azalea
Diplodia Blight
Diseases of Christmas Tree Seedling and Transplant Beds
Dooks Needle Blight of White Pine
Eastern Hemlock Forests: Guidelines to Minimize the Impacts of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid by Jeffrey S. Ward, Carole A.S.-J. Cheah, Michael E. Montgomery, Brad P. Onken, Richard S. Cowles
Spruce Needle Rusts
Strategies for Efficient Use of Water When Planting New Trees and Shrubs
Chestnuts and Chestnut Trees
PP007 Chestnut Breeding in the United States
PP008 Chestnuts and the Introduction of Chestnut Blight
PP044 Protecting Chestnut Trees from Blight
PP085 Connecticut Chestnut Research: Breeding and Biological Control
Asian Chestnut Gall Wasp on Connecticut Chestnut Trees
Care of Chestnuts for Planting
Chestnut Importations into the US
Chestnut Restoration for Connecticut
Identification of Chestnut Trees
Planting and Caring for Chestnut Trees
Woody Ornamentals
Botryosphaeria Cankers of Woody Ornamentals
Boxwood Susceptibility to Blight
CT BMPs for Boxwood Blight - Landscape
CT BMPs for Boxwood Blight - Nurseries
De-icing Salts: Damage to Woody Ornamentals
Drought, Its After-Effects, and Management on Woody Ornamentals
Excess Water Problems on Woody Ornamentals
Fungicides for Boxwood Blight Management in CT
Pachysandra Susceptibility to Blight
New!--April 2024--Powdery Mildew of Woody Ornamentals
Recognition and Management of Diseases of Woody Ornamentals in the Landscape
Winter Injury on Woody Ornamentals