Video about EEE in Libraries
A videotape available in most local libraries can help Connecticut citizens understand the threat of eastern equine encephalitis and how to protect themselves and their families from the mosquitoes that carry the often fatal virus.
The tape, produced by the Stamford Health Department: "The Best of Health, Mosquitoes and Eastern Equine Encephalitis" gives insight into the problem and how it is being handled in Connecticut. Mary Ann Shanahan, who with Phillis Erlandson produced the 30 minute show, interviews mosquito experts John F. Anderson and Theodore G. Andreadis of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven.
Anderson and Andreadis answer questions about mosquitoes and their role in spreading the virus, and describe how mosquitoes are collected and tested for EEE.
Staff from the Experiment Station are collecting mosquitoes at 37 locations around the state this summer to determine if any are infested with the virus which is deadly to horses, exotic birds, and most humans who contract it.
Although there never has been a human case in Connecticut, there have been fatal cases in surrounding areas in past years. One has already been reported in Rhode Island already this year.
Copies of the tape have been sent to most local libraries. Libraries that do not have the tape may obtain one from The Experiment Station. Call (203) 974-8441.