Thursday, May 9, 2024, 10am

Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection

1111 Country Club Rd., Middletown, CT 06457



Call to Order

Chairman Carolyn Futtner called the meeting to order at 10:01am.

Chairman Futtner read the Introductory Statement and called the roll call.  Seven appellants were present, five appellants failed to appear. Nine Local Issuing Authorities were present along with the State.

Board Members Present: Chairman Carolyn Futtner, Esq., Elbert Gray, Det. Gudrun Johnson, Col. Chris Lewis, Chief Carl Rosensweig, and Stephen Sanetti, Esq.

Board Members Absent: Dr. Cynthia Conrad and Col. Overturf

Chairman Carolyn Futtner administered the oath to all witnesses.

Hearings: Twelve cases were heard in the following order:

1) Case No. 22-830-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. DESPP Cpt. Doug Sauve’ represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Ronnell A. Higgins, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his case

2) Case No. 22-836-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. DESPP Cpt. Doug Sauve’ represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Ronnell A. Higgins, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his case.

3) Case No. 22-868-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  Chief Marshall Porter represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Marshall Porter, Glastonbury Police Department.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the Local Issuing Authority, the denial of the pistol permit. Vote was 5-0 in favor of the Local Issuing Authority.

10:45am: Chief Rosensweig arrived at the hearings.

4) Case No. 22-835-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Chief Jeremiah Marron, Jr. represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Jerimiah Marron, Darien Police Department.

Motion: Board member Det. Johnson made a motion for the Local Issuing Authority, by default, due to the appellant failing to appear. Motion was seconded by Chief Rosensweig, motion passed unanimously.

5) Case No. 24-390-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Det. Leopold Clarke represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Jason Thody, Hartford Police Department.

Motion: Board member Det. Johnson made a motion for the Local Issuing Authority, by default, due to the appellant failing to appear. Motion was seconded by Chief Rosensweig, motion passed unanimously.

6) Case No. 22-665-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Ofc. Peter Lovermi represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Wayne Williams, Ansonia Police Department.

Motion: Board member Det. Johnson made a motion for the Local Issuing Authority, by default, due to the appellant failing to appear. Motion was seconded by Chief Rosensweig, motion passed unanimously.

7) Case No. 22-909-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Ofc. Peter Lovermi represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Wayne Williams, Ansonia Police Department.

Motion: Board member Chief Rosensweig made a motion for the Local Issuing Authority, by default, due to the appellant failing to appear. Motion was seconded by, Det. Johnson motion passed unanimously.

8) Case No. 22-918-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant failed to appear.  Asst. General Council Mary Pokorski represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Matthew Marino, New Britain Police Department with one witness.

Motion: Board member Det. Johnson made a motion for the Local Issuing Authority, by default, due to the appellant failing to appear. Motion was seconded by Col. Lewis, motion passed unanimously.

9) Case No. 22-866-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. Elias Martz represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Erik Costa, Middletown Police Department.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his case.

10) Case No. 22-848-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. Sgt. John Iommazzo represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Fernando Spagnolo, Waterbury Police Department.

Motion: Chief Rosensweig made a motion for the Local Issuing Authority due to the appellant choosing not to participate in his hearing. The motion was seconded by Det. Johnson, the motion passed unanimously. Vote was 6-0 in favor of the Issuing Authority.

11) Case No. 22-833-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. DESPP Cpt. Doug Sauve’ represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Ronnell A. Higgins, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with one witness.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority, the revocation of the pistol permit.

12) Case No. 22-927-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. First Selectman Tina Falck represented the Local Issuing Authority, First Selectman Tina Falck, Town of Griswold.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his case, Griswold will issue.


Secretary’s Report:

Board member Atty. Sanetti made a motion to accept the minutes from April 25, 2024 seconded by Col. Lewis. motion carried. Mr. Gray and Det. Johnson abstained. Vote 4-0-2 to approve.


Old Business: None


New Business:  None


Adjournment: Board member Atty. Sanetti made a motion to adjourn seconded by Board member Mr. Gray, motion carried. Meeting ended at 11:45am.