Thursday, July 11, 2024, 10am

CT State Office Building

165 Capitol Ave., Rm. G, Hartford, CT 06106



Call to Order

Acting Chairman Stephen Sanetti called the meeting to order at 10:03am.

Acting Chairman Sanetti read the Introductory Statement and called the roll call.  Seven appellants were present, one appellant failed to appear. Five Local Issuing Authorities were present, along with the State, one Issuing Authority failed to appear. 

Board Members Present: Dr. Cynthia Conrad, Elbert Gray, Col. Chris Lewis, Chief Carl Rosensweig, and Stephen Sanetti, Esq.

Board Members Absent: Chairman Carolyn Futtner, Det. Gudrun Johnson and Col. Kyle Overturf,

Acting Chairman Stephen Sanetti administered the oath to all witnesses.

Hearings: Eight cases were heard in the following order:

1) Case No. 23-065-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf. DESPP Legal Staff Attorney John Grasso represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Ronnell Higgins, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection,

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his case.

2) Case No. 22-503-R, involving the revocation of a pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf with one witness. DESPP Legal Staff Attorney John Grasso represented the State Issuing Authority, Commissioner Ronnell Higgins, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, with one witness.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the State Issuing Authority, the revocation of the pistol permit. Vote was 5-0 in favor of the Local Issuing Authority.

3) Case No. 23-081-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant failed to appear.  Sgt. Jeff Gibert represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Paul Melanson, Avon Police Department.

Motion: Board member Chief Rosensweig made a motion for the local Issuing Authority, by default, due to the appellant failing to appear. Motion was seconded by Mr. Gray, motion passed unanimously.

4) Case No. 22-639-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on his own behalf.  No one appeared to represent the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Patrick Deely, Middlebury Police Department.

Motion: Board member Col. Lewis made a motion for the Appellant by default, due to the Issuing Authority failing to appear. Motion was seconded by Mr. Gray, motion passed unanimously. Vacate Motion: Dr. Conrad moved to vacate the initial motion, seconded by Col. Lewis, as the appellant disclosed, he no longer lives in Middlebury.

Withdrawal: The appellant withdrew his case as he disclosed, he moved to a different town.

5) Case No. 23-083-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf. Det. Jon Femia represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Roberto Rosado, Meriden Police Department with two witnesses.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted to uphold the decision of the Local Issuing Authority, the denial of the pistol permit. Vote was 5-0 in favor of the Local Issuing Authority.

6) Case No. 22-947-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant was represented by Gregory J. Miller. Chief Richard Doyle represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Richard Doyle, Easton Police Department with one witness.

Decision: By a majority decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant and ordered Easton to issue the permit.   Dr. Conrad, Mr. Gray, Col. Lewis, and Atty. Sanetti voted in favor of the Appellant. Chief Rosensweig voted in favor of the Local Issuing Authority. Vote was 4-1 in favor of the appellant.

7) Case No. 23-064-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf.  Cpt. Garon DelMonte represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Keith Mello, Milford Police Department.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant and ordered Milford to issue the permit.  Vote was 5-0 in favor of the appellant.

8) Case No. 23-080-D, involving the denial of a temporary pistol permit to carry pistols and revolvers. The appellant appeared on her own behalf.  Cpt. Garon DelMonte represented the Local Issuing Authority, Chief Keith Mello, Milford Police Department.

Decision: By a unanimous decision, the Board voted in favor of the appellant and ordered Milford to issue the permit.  Vote was 5-0 in favor of the appellant.




Secretary’s Report:

Board member Col. Lewis made a motion to accept the minutes from June 20, 2024, seconded by Mr. Gray, motion carried.


Old Business: None


New Business: None


Adjournment: Board member Col. Lewis made a motion to adjourn seconded by Board member Dr. Conrad, motion carried. Meeting ended at 1:02pm.