About Us
The Board has been established to provide a means of appeal for citizens whose pistol permit has been denied or revoked.
Citizens aggrieved by any denial to issue or renew a permit under the provisions of Connecticut General Statute section 29-28 or 29-36f, or revocation of a permit issued, or refusal or failure of any issuing authority to furnish an application, may appeal to the board.
The Board is comprised of nine members appointed by the Governor to serve during his term and until their successors are appointed and qualify. The members are appointed from nominees of the Commissioner the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, the Commissioner of the Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection, The Connecticut State Rifles and Revolvers Association, Inc., Ye Connecticut Gun Guild, Inc., the Commissioner of the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services, and an appointee of the Chief Court Administrator. Two members of the public are appointed with at least one member of the Board shall be a lawyer licensed to practice in Connecticut, who shall act as Chairman of the Board during the hearing of appeals.
Board Members:
Chairman: Attorney Carolyn M. Futtner, public member appointed by Governor Lamont
Board Secretary: Col. Kyle E. Overturf, representative of the Connecticut State Rifles and Revolvers Association
Dr. Cynthia Conrad, representative from the Dept. of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Mr. Elbert Gray III, public member appointed by Governor Lamont
Ms. Gudrun Johnson, representative of the Dept. of Emergency Services and Public Protection
Attorney Stephen Sanetti, representative of the Ye Connecticut Gun Guild
Mr. Chris Lewis, representative of the Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection
Chief Carl Rosensweig, representative of Connecticut Police Chiefs Association
Vacancy: Chief Court Administrator
Nancy Lotas, Office Manager
Lori Beaudoin, P/T Office Assistant