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Business Enterprise Program Business Report Template

Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind Business Enterprise Program Weekly Report template.

Eye Report Form - Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind

Sec. 17a-819. (Formerly Sec. 10-305). Reports of persons who are blind. Each physician, advanced practice registered nurse and optometrist shall report in writing to the Department of Aging and Disability Services not later than thirty days after a person who is blind comes under his or her private or institutional care within this state. The report of such person shall include the name, address, Social Security number, date of birth, date of diagnosis of blindness and degree of vision. Such reports shall not be open to public inspection.

Interpreter Registration Form
If you are currently interpreting in the state of Connecticut, you must complete and return an Interpreter Registration Form annually.
DMV Eye Care Form
In order to participate in the Driver Training Program, DMV requires your treating doctor to fill out the appropriate form and send it back on your behalf.
DMV Medical Form
In order to participate in the Driver Training Program, DMV requires your treating doctor to fill out the appropriate form and send it back on your behalf.