Bureau of Aging

The Bureau of Aging (State Unit on Aging) ensures that Connecticut’s elders have access to the supportive services necessary to live with dignity, security, and independence.  The unit is responsible for planning, developing, and administering a comprehensive and integrated service delivery system for older persons in Connecticut.
To accomplish this, the unit conducts needs assessments, surveys methods of service administration, evaluates and monitors such services, maintains information and referral services, and develops, coordinates, and/or collaborates with other appropriate agencies to provide services.
More specifically, the unit administers Older Americans Act programs for supportive services, in-home services, and congregate and home-delivered meals.  It also administers programs that provide senior community employment, health insurance counseling, and respite care for caregivers.
The Bureau of Aging works closely with the aging network partners to provide these services.  Partners include Connecticut’s five area agencies on aging, municipal agents for the elderly, senior centers, and many others who provide services to older adults. Contact us at ADS.BOA@ct.gov with any questions you may have.


Connecticut State Plan on Aging 2025-2027

This plan was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Older Americans Act by our Bureau of Aging (BOA). Our intention with this plan is to respond to the needs of older adults in our state, to address important concerns, and to prepare for the future of our aging population. The Older Americans Act, administered by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), directs states to draft State Plans on Aging which demonstrate their response to the needs of older adults and their plans to provide both current and long-term supports in a comprehensive and collaborative aging network. “Rooted in Connection” comprises the Federal Fiscal Years of 2025-2027.