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BESB Advisory Board Minutes February 22, 2018, 2018

Advisory Board for Persons who are Blind or Visually Impaired (DORS-BESB Advisory Board)

February 22, 2018

Members Present:
Alan Sylvestre, Chairman, Eileen Akers, David Gregoire, Katherine Guzman, Beth Rival, Andrea Giudice, Stephen Thal and Randa Utter.

Members Absent:
Darcy Jones, Terri- Lynn Johnston (representing DSS Commissioner Bremby) Mary Silverberg.

Others Present:
Brian Sigman, BESB Director; Nathaniel Barnes, SRC member; Michael Bartley, SRC member; Steve Famiglietti, SRC member; Alan Gunzburg, SRC Chair; Colleen Hayles, SRC member; Kathleen Marioni, SRC member; Patrick Melfi, SRC member; Diann Murray, SRC member; Daryl Pease, Secretary; Nyema Pinkney, SRC member; Wendy Petersen, Member of the Public; Lisa Tanguay, Office Supervisor; Ellen Telker, SRC member; Diane Weaver-Dunne, SRC member.


Welcome and Introductions:
Chairperson Sylvestre called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and acknowledged the presence of the members of the State Rehabilitation Council who were in attendance.

Public Comment:

New Business:
BESB Vocational Rehabilitation Section of Unified State Plan for Action

On a motion made by Ms. Giudice, seconded by Ms. Rival, discussion followed on the contents of the draft plan and the comments and modifications requested to add consistency and clarity to the document.

Mr. Sylvestre recommended that the names of the rideshare transportation services should be referred to as “ride share services” rather than the actual names of the transportation companies. It was recommended by Mr. Thal that BESB approach private and state schools to develop internships with colleges so BESB’s Vocational Rehabilitation clients can gain work experience.

After discussion concluded, the Advisory Board members voted to approve the draft BESB Vocational Rehabilitation section of the Unified State Plan as presented with no revisions. Motion passed unanimously.

Without objection, Chairperson Sylvestre recessed the Advisory Board at 10:30 a.m. to allow the State Rehabilitation Advisory Council to begin with their deliberations.

Chairperson Sylvestre reconvened the Advisory Board meeting at 10:40 a.m.

Points of Good and Welfare:
Ms. Giudice announced that Watch for Me CT is partnering an event with Oak Hill on “Pedestrian Safety for the Disabled: Skills for Wheelchair Users, the Blind, and the Hearing Impaired”. The event is scheduled for Friday, March 16, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. at NEAT Equipment Restoration Center, 33 Coventry St., Hartford, CT.

On a motion by Ms. Akers, seconded by Ms. Giudice, the meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

Next meeting: 22 March 2018, 10:00 a.m. to noon at 184 Windsor Avenue, Windsor, CT