


(Hartford, CT) — Aging and Disability Services today joined Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz, Attorney General William Tong, the Connecticut Coalition for Elder Justice, AARP, state agency and community leaders to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and highlight the programs, systems and supports in place to support older adults living in Connecticut. 

This informational open house taking place this afternoon at the Keeney Center in Wethersfield will present resources about identifying, preventing, and reporting elder abuse and financial exploitation. 

"Every day our state agencies are working tirelessly to protect our seniors and ensure they have the support systems needed to maintain their independence," said Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz. "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day aims to provide an opportunity for communities to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of our seniors, because knowledge is power. By arming our older adults with the education and resources they need to safeguard their personal information, ensure that they feel safe – physically and emotionally – in their communities, and empowered, we can better prevent all forms of elder abuse." 

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, marked on June 15th, is a poignant reminder of the importance of respecting and protecting our older adults. It is a day dedicated to understanding and combating the mistreatment that too many elders face, often in silence. This day serves as a call to action for individuals and communities to raise awareness about the mistreatment of older adults raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic dynamics impacting elder abuse and neglect. 

“Abuse is not always physical. It could be mental, emotional, or financial. And no one is immune,” said  Attorney General William Tong. “If you, or someone you know may be at risk, please call the Elder Justice Hotline at 860-808-5555, or file an online complaint here: ct.gov/ag/elderhotline.

Approximately one in ten Americans age 60+ have experienced abuse. And that’s only part of the picture: Experts believe that elder abuse is significantly under-reported, in part because so social isolation and distress makes it more difficult for this population to report abuse.  Research suggests that as few as 1 in 14 cases of elder abuse come to the attention of authorities.

Elder financial abuse is a significant concern, leading to substantial losses for older Americans. However, there are steps that can be taken to prevent such exploitation. For instance, the Senior Safe Act, signed into law in 2018, allows financial institution employees to report suspected elder financial abuse without fear of breaching privacy laws.

“By focusing on education and empowerment, we can create a network of support that not only respects the rights of older adults but also celebrates their ongoing contributions to society,” said Department of Aging and Disability Services Commissioner Amy Porter. “Initiatives that foster community strength and personal independence can significantly reduce the risk of elder abuse and ensure that aging is a process marked by dignity and respect.”

“Protecting seniors from financial exploitation has long been a priority of the Department of Banking.  Thanks to the excellent collaboration with partners like the Coalition for Elder Justice in Connecticut we have been able to assist countless elderly residents in Connecticut,” said Banking Commissioner Jorge Perez.

“It has always been a priority of the Department of Consumer Protection to ensure all older adults in our state have the tools and knowledge to help protect themselves from fraud, scams and abuse,” said Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner Bryan T. Cafferelli. “But even the most prepared can fall victim, and when they do, we are here to help. Whether that’s recovering from identity theft or ensuring that more people are aware of potential scams, we are proud to work with our sister agencies and community groups to protect older adults in Connecticut.”

"Elder abuse has no place in our society. On this day, we recognize that seniors deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and to always live in a safe environment. Our communities are stronger and better when we respect our elders and the contributions they have made to our great state.  We will continue to do our best as a state to protect our seniors, ensuring that they can enjoy their lives with a strong sense of safety and security," said Department of Social Services Commissioner Andrea Barton Reeves.

We need to ensure that the people living in our communities have access to the support, information, and resources to remain safe as they age. To do this all members of our community, including older people, must know the sings of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, as well as know what they can do if they suspect they or someone they know might be at risk,” State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Member Mairead Painter said. “The ombudsman program believes that education, prevention, and early intervention are key to addressing abuse at any age and in any setting. Knowledge is power so get informed by visiting ct.gov/ltcop  or elderjusticect.org.

“AARP takes elder abuse seriously and our advocacy, education and outreach efforts are often focused on awareness and prevention," said  AARP CT State Director Nora Duncan . “A team of volunteer fraud fighters in Connecticut are available to help organizations and towns educate the community in in the fight against fraud and financial exploitation. We encourage anyone with questions or interest to contact us at CT@AARP.org.” 

Addressing elder abuse is a critical issue that requires a community effort. Support systems play a vital role in protecting older adults, ensuring they are aware of their rights and have access to resources that uphold their independence. For more information you can visit elderjusticect.org.




This May highlights “Powered by Connection”, the profound impact social connections have for older adults.

(Hartford, CT) – This May, the Connecticut Department of Aging and Disability Services joins the Administration for Community Living (ACL) in celebrating Older Americans Month. Established in 1963, Older Americans Month is celebrated every year as a time to recognize older Americans' contributions, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm commitments to serving the older adults in our communities.

The 2024 theme, Powered by Connection, recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being. This a relationship underscored by the U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community.

“This is a reminder to all of us that connection matters,” said Commissioner Amy Porter. “It's about the way meaningful community engagement boosts mental, physical, and emotional well-being for all of us, particularly older adults.”

Aging and Disability Services ensures that Connecticut’s older residents have access to the supportive services necessary to live with dignity, security, and independence. Within the agency, the Bureau of Aging (State Unit on Aging) works closely with aging services network partners to provide these services. This network includes Connecticut’s five area agencies on aging, municipal agents for the elderly, senior centers, and many others who provide services to older adults.

Contact aging.sda@ct.gov for more information.



This March highlights the profound relationship between food and social connection with the theme “Connection in Every Bite”

(Hartford, CT) – This March, Connecticut Aging and Disability Services joins the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and senior nutrition service providers across the country in celebrating the anniversary of the national Senior Nutrition Program.

Since 1972, the Senior Nutrition Program (also known as the Elderly Nutrition Program) has supported nutrition services for older adults. Funded by the Older Americans Act, local senior nutrition programs in partnership with Area Agencies on Aging, serve as hubs for older adults (60 and older) to access nutritious meals and other vital  services that strengthen social connections and promote health and well-being.

The 2024 theme, Connection in Every Bite, highlights one of the most important aspects of the Senior Nutrition Program: the profound relationship between food and social connection. When local nutrition programs serve and build their communities through meals and fellowship, they provide a powerful reminder that the act of coming together over a meal transcends sustenance — it fosters a sense of belonging, contributes to the health of participants, and creates an opportunity for connection in every bite. 

“While people of any age can and do experience social isolation, some groups face disproportionate barriers to connecting with others,” Commissioner Amy Porter said. ”We know that older adults have the highest rate of social isolation with devastating consequences, such as an estimated 50% increased risk of developing dementia, even after controlling for demographics and health status. There are many ways Connecticut uses its Senior Nutrition Programs to cut through those barriers.”

Senior nutrition is now more important than ever. Each year in the U.S., up to half of adults over 65 are at risk of malnutrition, and more than 10 million face hunger. In communities throughout the U.S. – including our own – older adults sometimes lack access to the high-quality, nutritious food they need to remain healthy and independent.

“As the keystone program of the Older Americans Act, the Senior Nutrition Program is at the foundation of our nation's system for helping older adults age in place,” Alison Barkoff, Acting Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging, ACL said. “For 50 years, it has provided healthy meals, opportunities for social interaction, and access to a wide variety of programs and services to help older people stay active, healthy and engaged in their communities. ACL is proud of this program and the aging services network whose leadership and tireless efforts bring it to life across the country.” 

Through community partners, our Senior Nutrition Program delivers meals to nearly 20,000 consumers over the course of the year, adding up to about 1.8 million meals yearly to Connecticut older adults in their homes or in congregate settings. To provide an older adult two meals per day, five days per week for a year costs roughly the same as one day in the hospital or ten days in a nursing home. And as anyone familiar with the program knows, it is the built-in socialization and well-being checks that are key to helping these seniors remain safe and healthy. 
For more information about the Senior Nutrition Program in Connecticut visit ct.gov/ADS-SNP.




(HARTFORD, CT) - Today, Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz and Governor Ned Lamont, with agency commissioners and advocates, announced the launch of a new campaign focused on combatting loneliness and social isolation in Connecticut.

“As a nation and a state, we are seeing an epidemic of loneliness and isolation. The health impacts of this epidemic are very real – they are so significant and so widespread that the U.S. Surgeon General has put social isolation and loneliness on the same level as public health crises like tobacco addiction, AIDS, drunk driving, obesity, and gun violence.” said Lt. Governor Bysiewicz. “We've seen recent efforts emerging to address this crisis, and today marks an important next step in exploring how we, as a state, can best address this issue.”

“We know that older adults and people with disabilities face disproportionate barriers to connecting with others,” said Aging and Disability Services (ADS) Commissioner Amy Porter. “We commend the Lieutenant Governor for establishing a Social Connection Campaign to establish increased focus on and fortify social connection and community in an equitable manner across Connecticut.”

Read the full release on Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz' Press Release Page


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