Requests for Proposals
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RFP 2024-08 UConn and CSCU Real Estate Matters
The State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General, is seeking proposals to provide certain legal services involving representation of the University of Connecticut and Connecticut State Colleges and Universities in real estate matters. PROPOSALS MUST RECEIVED BY AUGUST 30, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. local time, as detailed in the Request for Proposals.
RFP 2024-09 Generic Pharmaceuticals
The State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General, is seeking proposals to provide certain supporting legal services related to litigation and trial work concerning suspected violations of law in the generic pharmaceutical industry. PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY SEPTEMBER 13, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, as detailed in the Request for Proposals.
RFP 2024-11 Intercollegiate Athletic Programming and Compliance Legal Services
The State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General, is seeking proposals to provide certain legal services involving representation of the University of Connecticut and Connecticut State Colleges and Universities in matters related to Intercollegiate Athletic Programming and Compliance Legal Services. PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 25, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. local time, as detailed in the Request for Proposals.
RFP 2024-10 Department of Agriculture Farmland Preservation
The State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General, is seeking proposals to provide certain legal services involving representation of the State of Connecticut, Department of Agriculture, Farmland Preservation Program for legal services relating to the acquisition of development rights. PROPOSALS NEED TO BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 18, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, as detailed in the Request for Proposals.